A part of her felt a little disappointed that the psychic paper hadn’t been effective on her. She could guess its usefulness. For now, there were other matters to attend to. He tried to give a decent description of the issue of time itself, which wasn’t very helpful. While Luna was perceptive and had a unique perspective of her own, she still had believe time was simple and not something you could easily bend to your own will. However, in the past fifteen minutes or so, everything she knew had become distorted and pulled into question. It was a long shot to think that such a mysterious man would come all the way to a school in the middle of nowhere to help her but still, she had hoped it could have been the case. The man got up from his desk and moved around to sit beside her, perhaps an action to show he was trying to be supportive, prove that despite all hardship and human error, that he was on her side. Luna looked down at his hands holding her own. He said there was nothing that he could do, he was sorry but unable to reverse the potion’s harmful consequences. It was difficult to swallow. She felt her chest getting heavy with the truth as it settled against her heart. She was stuck as herself, an older version of herself. How was that fair to her? She had lost her mother and barely got by with her father and now this had to happen. Why did it have to happen? He continued to talk but most of it didn’t register in her head. Luna had dreaded the final conclusion, as she feared for the worst. And the worst had happened. The world was the same but she had sped through it all and came out as if nothing had happened. A tidal wave of sickness overcame her and she started to shake a little. What could she do? The man moved an arm around her cautiously and she remained stiff and in shock. She tried swallowing again as he tapped his head against hers gently and began to speak. She did her best to keep up with what he was saying but her mind was practically frozen in place. In the back of her mind, she knew she was still catching what he was saying. She then noticed his fingers against her moonlight colored hair. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, it was a bit soothing but then she had to remind herself that while she wasn’t technically a student or a teenager anymore and he wasn’t really a professor, or even human for that matter, it still felt a little weird. They had just met and then her life changed and then everything started to spill out from both sides. The Doctor, as he called himself explained that it was likely she wouldn’t be allowed to stay in Hogwarts since there wasn’t a real place for her. She nodded at his promise to talk to the Headmaster. “I’d appreciate that, thank you.” Luna offered him a smile. Her eyes located the time and noticed it was almost curfew. But since she wasn’t a student, she knew she didn’t have to worry about it. Still, old habits were tough to break and she announced that she should be getting to bed. The Doctor agreed and she headed out, saying she could make it to her quarters on her own just fine. “Thank you again.” She bowed her head a little and left. There was a lot to take in and she needed some rest, or at least time to herself. While the Doctor had insisted that she wasn’t alone, she still needed time to think and take everything in. She had just been told by an alien no less, about time travel and everything else. There were so many questions about him but she needed her space as well. Once back in her room, she got ready for bed and drank a potion given to her by Professor Snape to assist in her sleep. When daylight broke, she was slow to rise. She looked around and wearily reminded herself that none of her friends were with her in the dorms. No. She had her own place, decorated in Ravenclaw colors to perhaps soothe her. It was comfortable but still isolated enough to make her worry that she wasn’t even in Hogwarts anymore. Luna got dressed in the clothes provided for her, a long cotton flora skirt, a belt, and a simple green top with a tan cardigan over that. She brushed her long hair out and picked up her wand and slipped it between her belt and herself. Then she pulled on some spare boots and headed out. It was the end of breakfast and most students were off to their first class, if they had one. Others were likely in the library or hurrying back to their common rooms because they forgot something. Luna found herself going toward the Great Hall. In her mind, she recall what her week’s schedule looked like. She should be going to Transfiguration but instead she had nothing to do. If the Headmaster wanted to see her, she was sure he’d send word somehow. Luna found her way into the kitchens and asked if she could have a basket made up. Luna decided if the inside of the castle would be swarming with kids, the outside would be all hers. An elf made a large basket filled with sandwiches, cookies, and other picnic foods. She thanked him and went on her way. She paused outside a long hall and decided to see if Mr. Logan, or the Doctor rather, was free or if he had classes. She knocked on the door and waited. He answered it and she saw he didn’t have class. A smile quickly flashed across her face. “I know you said you were a little lonely last night and that you and I could relate very well to that…and I thought you might like to join me for a picnic out on the grounds.” Luna said simply and held up her packed basket. - - - “Yeah same here.” Rose shrugged as he mentioned how she hadn’t had a breakdown yet. “I’m getting there though.” She said. The man then pulled out a book and showed her some of his scribbling and other notes. Rose looked them, a little worried she had said too much too soon. But still, it seemed he had his own theories even if he didn’t want to admit to it. He spoke of how absurd it was but that he felt some connection to the Doctor. She looked at the pages, wishing she could help him more. But if the Doctor hadn’t gone off somewhere, she could have insisted the two finally meet face to have and talk everything out. Rose had a feeling Mr. Smith was who the Doctor was looking for. There was damn near evidence to prove it! He sat back, clearly bothered by whatever she had said to him. She didn’t blame him. In fact she started to blame herself. If he was another time lord or doctor or something, she could go home. The case would be solved and she could go see her mother again and get back to her life. She shook her head a little. Space seemed appealing too though. She had no idea what she was involved with or even who. She did just meet the Doctor after all. It was then brought up as to the whereabouts of the box. “Oh um…something like that sorta.” She kept her response vague, as she wasn’t sure if him seeing the TARDIS would be alright or not. And Rose wasn’t sure exactly where it was, though she didn’t think it would just vanish without her knowing about it. And the Doctor wouldn’t leave her behind, would he? No of course not. That was an unsettling thought though. “Um yeah right. Fine by me.” She said faintly as the man suggested they cut the detention short. Rose felt a little more than awkward for what she had said. After all, if he wasn’t who she was looking for, she could have seriously done some damage to her cover and the Doctor’s. What she did was stupid, even if she was certain he was their target. “Sorry about just spurting nonsense at you. G’night.” She said and headed out rather quickly. What she had been shown had proved that she was right, that Mr. Smith was probably a time lord but somehow forgot. But who could forget such a thing? She found herself restless as she made it back to the common room. She hurried up to her room and turned in for the night, not even noticing Harry and Hermione passed out on the sofa in front of the dim fire. The next day arrived and Rose had written a note for the Doctor, “I think I found what you’re looking for, Mr. Smith may be able to help. We need to talk ASAP.” She couldn’t risk writing anything else and was going to slip it into his office on her way to breakfast. She got her things and hurried down but paused when she saw the two people passed out on the couch. The morning was still early and no one else was up, which was probably why they remained undisturbed. ‘I hope they weren’t waiting for me.’ She cringed. “Um hey guys.” She prodded them slightly, not confident about just waking them up. ‘They look so cute together.’ Rose couldn’t help but think to herself. - - - She knew things were difficult among the three of them. It wasn’t had to miss actually. Still, the girl had hoped things would sort themselves out soon. She had looked so fondly at their younger years at school and she hated to think that something could wedge itself between the trio of mates. Hermione was sure Ron would come around in time. She could at least enjoy her time with Harry, as it was fairly rare and would continue to be such once they started their little club up. Harry began to speculate again as to what Rose and Mr. Logan could be to. “I don’t know, Harry. She seems nice enough, harmless. If they’re from the future they may not be allowed to tell us what’s going on. All we can do is try.” She considered. “Though if they know we know something, I don’t know if that’s wise or not.” Hermione frowned. Time travel was dangerous and it could ruin people’s lives if it was misused or found out, in certain circumstances. People could go insane from one mishap. “We need to be careful when we talk to her.” She concluded. Harry stopped his rambling and she threw him a smile. “It’s alright, I’m just as curious as you are.” She said. If Rose hadn’t come in that great blue box, she wasn’t sure how the term would be, probably a lot more depressing. He took her hand and she smiled. They hands always seem to reach for one another. He was a comforting person, despite all the chaos in their lives, she felt at peace when they were together. And over the years, they had been able to learn to rely on one another in many situations ranging from the everyday with notes and homework, to the extraordinary like how to battle a dragon or make a potion that changes your appearance. Hermione was sure the next few years at school would be just fine as long as she didn’t lose Harry. She tightened her hold slightly. He was always so close to death, she hated it. Harry had suffered so much and she wanted this year to be the one that didn’t involve them in trouble. But thanks to Umbridge, that wouldn’t be the case. She leaned her head on his shoulder and looked at the fire. “We’ll just sit and wait for her to come back.” She muttered. Before long, she found herself and Harry fast asleep in front of the fire which had already gone out. Her dreams were short but filled with various bits from the week at school. Hermione dreamed about Luna and Rose and school. She dreamed about Ron and flying police boxes. She soon woke up and saw Rose standing in front of them. Hermione lifted her head from Harry and shook him awake. “What time is it?” Hermione asked. “About six or so, I was just on my way out to uh do something.” Rose said. “Rose,” Hermione looked to make sure Harry was at least halfway for the next bit. “are you a time traveler?” “Bloody hell.” Rose breathed and rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe she had to tell another person her life’s story about the Doctor. She was still tired herself and quickly debated whether or not to tell them or to keep it to herself. Fresh anger toward the neglectful Doctor burst out of her as she crumpled up the parchment in her hand. “Yeah I am.” Hermione looked to Harry again and stared at Rose. “Are you here because of our current events?” She asked, holding her breath. “I wish I was, but no. I’m here because I’m looking for someone who isn’t supposed to be here.” Hermione recalled their first conversation in the Great Hall and her chest fell. “So you’re sure it’s not Umbridge?” “It’s not her, I’m sorry. Look, I can’t tell you much else. I already blabbed a lot and I don’t wanna say too much. I know what the future holds for you guys though and it gets better. I swear it gets better.” She then looked to Harry and her face fell. “Well um sort better.” She thought back to him and Sirius and then all the time and effort it would take to locate the Horcuxes. “I have to go, see you at breakfast.” Rose then quickly headed off. Hermione got up and stretched. She rubbed her sore neck and flashed Harry a smile. At least they knew something, sure it wasn’t what they wanted but it was something. And they weren’t crazy, they were right. Rose headed off and found the Muggle Studies classroom. It was open thankfully and she let herself in. She put her note on his desk and backed up, not sure if she wanted to leave it out in the open. The content of it seemed innocent enough but it was still important. It was Thursday morning and if she remembered corrected, many would be leaving the following day to go home for the holidays. They would have about two weeks off of school before they would come back and get ready for their finals for the fall term. Then spring would begin anew. The girl let out a sigh and exited the classroom and headed for the Astronomy Tower as it was one place she knew she could go to while she waited for the school to wake up. When she got there, she saw she wasn’t as alone as she thought. “Oh uh morning Mr. Smith.” She said awkwardly and looked down. She wondered if he had gotten a wink of sleep after what she had said. “I can go, I mean you were here first.” She started to say. She caught sight of the view and she let out a sigh. It was beautiful. “I’m sorry for last night by the way, I had like no right to dump all of that on you.” She said. “I mean, I’m not really a time traveler, that would be weird. I was just a little stressed with um the holidays and tests comin’ up really, forget I ever mentioned anything.” She said and glanced down. Still, she didn’t outright deny everything from last night. Rose just didn’t want to worry the guy, and if the Doctor was really going to see him sometime soon thanks to her note, Rose didn’t want to do anymore damage. “The view's great." She had always wanted to see it for herself. "Anyway, sorry again, professor." She turned to head off to breakfast. - - - “Maybe she’ll be more willing to talk some other time.” Hermione offered to her best friend. “Come on, we better get ready ourselves.” She pulled Harry off the couch and headed up to do just as she suggested. When she came down a while later, she and Harry headed down to the Great Hall. One their way, she kept her eyes out for Rose. Hermione took a seat by Harry and looked around. Everything seemed the same but it didn't feel the same. She heard Ron talking with his siblings about going away for the holidays. Hermione did wish to go home herself but she didn't want to leave Harry. She set her juice down and wiped her mouth. "Harry, I haven't decided if I want to go home for the holidays or not." She brought it up slowly. "I know Ron is leaving and you might want to spend it with Sirius back at the Order but after what's happened you may need to get away from even all that. I can send word to my parents if you'd like to stay with me for the holidays." She finally finished. "We don't do anything extravagant but it would be nice to have them officially meet you besides just seeing you at King's Cross." She smiled. "And maybe getting away from magic for a while would do us some good." They could easily prepare for their lessons for their club or just walk around her part of town and relax. She just wasn't sure two weeks at Hogwarts would do either of them any good at the moment. "Besides, how can we possibly enjoy the holidays with our very own grinch here?" She looked over to Umbridge who was talking to Dumbledore.