[center] [hider=donotopen] Well, another rebellious kid. >.> [img]http://i.imgur.com/BopxdeT.png[/img] [/hider] [@MiddleEarthRoze][@WhiteStar19][@Knight of Doom][@Wade Wilson][@bluetommy2][@Etain] Thank you for your interests, guys. Seriously. I was about to place this rp on casual but I thought at first, no one would be interested with this theme. So, yeah, since everyone agree, I can guarantee that this rp will be High-Free Roleplay/Casual. ^^ Anyway, any further suggestions before we move to the main menu? One thing that makes me crazy is the death system, I don't want the murderer to kill all of you without giving you a chance of escape. Is the current death mechanic applicable? and if you want to take a certain established role, please state below. ^^ [@Etain] - Woman #2 will be yours [@WhiteStar19] - Woman #3 will be yours [@Knight of Doom] - Woman #4 will be yours [@Wade Wilson] - Man #1 will be yours