Full Name: Kent Gregory Mitchell Appearance/looks:[img/https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11256352_896473420375753_565043437_n.jpg/img] Age:15 Gender: Male Birthday: October 22 Spieces:Mutant Power:Shadow camouflage (I am debating whether he can hide himself in his own shadow. Let me know what you think about that.) and darkness manipulation. Coates or Townie:Townie Personality:He is friendly and a great conversationalist if you can get through his shell of shyness and general lack of enthusiasm towards strangers. He is very honest, loyal and reliable. He will get angry if he feels betrayed, but it would take alot to push him over the edge into doing something reckless. He also tends to be curious about things he doesn't know, or does not understand, in such situations he becomes a detective and likes to solve the case himself. Brief History:Kent lived in a small town on the north side across the old rail road tracks. His home was a trailer, or a single floored house. The place was small, but he didn't mind. He starting hanging out with a couple kids in his class, living on the same block after they invited him over after school. It was cool to have friends that helped him out and he helped in return. They did everything together from going to the local swamp to catch frogs, to playing in an 'abandoned house' and afterwards wishing they had never touched the place. His parents, didn't really care what he was doing as long as he was back before dark. They were always there for him if he ever needed to ask them for help. The reason being that his mother was disabled from a disease that could not be cured, and his father helped his mother around the house, thanks to the government paying the money for the family to live jobless. Anyways back to Kent directly, he entered highschool and thats where things got rough for him, he didn't have the designer outfits that alot of the other teens were sporting around, he also wasn't as popular compared to alot of the jocks, and brainiacs, but he still had his two friends to depend on. Well he had his two friends to depend on for a couple of weeks until one day, he walked over to ask the two-who happened to be talking to one of the very 'cool kids'-if they wanted to hang out at a local pizzeria, the both of his 'friends' bluntly told him to buzz off as he was pestering them and told him he didn't belong. Dejected and feeling betrayed he went home. Didn't tell his parents a thing as he stormed into the basement and started throwing out punches into the empty air, pretending it was his fake friends... He avoided the other students at the school, because he did not want to be betrayed again. Eventually his parents found out what happened at school and in short order moved to the town of San Perdido. It was their idea to give Kent a fresh start at a new school with different and hopefully better people. A few weeks after that he woke up in his room and found the house too quiet, and searched everywhere only to discover his parents were gone... Their shoes were in the porch, their jackets on the coat rack, and yet they were nowhere to be found. He headed out the door, to get answers for what happened to them, and to undo whatever did happen. "There's no way I've lost MY PARENTS! To hell with that!"