[center][h3][color=FFFF00]Thomas Creviki[/color][/h3] [img]http://oi61.tinypic.com/2lclnb8.jpg[/img] ☠ Enemy || ☯ Neutral || ★ Friend || ♥ Love Interest[/center] [center][color=000000][h1][u]Hogwarts Relations[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [indent][u][b]A L V A . Z O L K I N[/b][/u] | ☯ "The pixie? Yeah, seen her around the pitch and Transifguration club, seems nice" They're paths have never really crossed much. Thomas may have sent the occasional bludger her way, but never with any real intent. They are both in the transfiguration club together, but have never exchanged more than a few words. [u][b]C H A R L E S . S T O N E M . K E M P[/b][/u] | ☠ "Massive ass and a bigot to boot. Least I don't have to put up with him like I do Lucas" All the goodwill in the world on Tom's behalf wouldn't be able to get him past the sheer wall of the other boy's pure blood bigotry, and given what he's seen he's not at all inclined to make the effort. They occasionally run into each other in Charm's club and on the pitch, where Thomas doesn't have his usual reservations about hitting magic rocks at people. [u][b]E L I Z E . V A N Z A N T[/b][/u] | ☯ "I think I know her - head of the Herb Club - quiet?" There's not much to say - the quiet reserved girl hasn't really entered onto Thomas's radar in any major fashion. He's peripherally aware that she's head of the Herbology Club, but aside from his usual curiousity he's never really looked into that area of magic. [u][b]E V A N G E L I N E . D R A K E[/b][/u] | ★ "She's a hoot that one. Great flyer, good people" Knocking Eve off her broom had been the first time Tom had injured someone playing Quidditch. He'd been pretty torn up about it and had gone to apologise after she'd been released from the infirmary. She'd forgiven him and they became fast friends, though she ripped into him one time when she caught him hitting a bludger 6 inches to her left. [u][b]G R E G O R Y . J O N E S[/b][/u] | ★ "Friend of Eva's, pretty fun guy. Don't play cards with him" At first Tom was pretty such Slick wanted to hex him for knocking Eva off her broom but they warmed up to each other after Eva forgave him. They still play pretty hard on the Quidditch pitch, but it's all good fun. Tom enjoys having someone to talk to about muggle stuff such as movies and pop culture. [u][b]H Y A C I N T H U S . T R I V E T T [/b][/u] | ★ "Jazz is a straight credit to the house - and a good mate" Thomas is very fond of Jazz; he's aware of how the younger boy idolizes him and tries his best to live up to the expectations. He helps him with the younger students, forming the unofficial Hufflepuff welcome team; getting the firsties settled and fielding homework questions. He occasionally goes to the him for help with areas outside his own knowledge sphere, and happily returns the favour. [u][b]J O H N S O N . L E E D S[/b][/u] | ☠/☯ "Seems... alright, but anyone too chummy with Lucas is trouble." Thomas think he's a but slimy, but wouldn't have anything specific to pin against him besides that except for his close relationship with Lucas. Aside from that they don't really mix - Thomas might have run into him at Charms club, but aside from that Thomas is perfectly happy not getting to know him. [u][b]L U C A S . W E S T O N[/b][/u] | ☠ "Gotta work with him for Quidditch, but the ass doesn't make it easy" The two have a tense relationship on the Quidditch pitch, with the approximate working relationship of two cats in a sack thrown over the cliff, but it works... somehow. Off the pitch they're fairly antagonistic towards each other. Thomas isn't entirely sure how Lucas made the house or the team. [u][b]M A D I S O N . L I[/b][/u] | ★ "Mel? One of the better people I know, and a great Captain." Tom and Mel have been fast friends for years, bonding over Quidditch and spellwork. Thomas never expected to make Captain and was overjoyed for his friend when she announced the news. If he comes across a particularly obscure or interesting charm he might pop along to Charms club to bring it to her attention. [u][b]O P H E L I A . C R A F T E R[/b][/u] | ☯ "I think I've seen her around?." Though they don't have much in common, Thomas is aware of Ophelia as someone who attends Charms Club. They may have exchanged a few words, but that's about it. He knows her by reputation mostly. [u][b]T A D E O . D I A Z[/b][/u] | ☯/★ "New guy? Seem's alright, bit of a laugh to be around" They've only just met, but Thomas and Tadeo can play off each other with remarks and Quidditch banter. They get along quite well, though they don't mix much in their everyday routines. [u][b]W Y A T T . B L A C K W O O D[/b][/u] | ☯/★ "Quick flyer that one, pretty good with a wand too" Thomas and Wyatt aren't really friends, but they became acquainted over the course of several discussions/arguments in the Library over various obscure aspects of magic and spellcasting. He enjoyed their spirited discussions, but apart from that and Quiddicth they move in fairly different circles. [b][u]Z E K E . R O W L E | ☯[/u][/b] "Scowls a lot, but he seems alright." Thomas has only really seen Zeke in the corridors and the occasional shared class. They don't share any activities or move in the same social circle so they haven't really had a chance to talk or get to know each other. He doesn't really think about him much, but he's only heard good things. [/indent]