[b] Welcome To McMurphy Institution [/b] Hello Schizophrenics, Sociopaths, and budding serial killers and welcome to The Three Geese RP. This is a RP focused on a small mental institution in rural Virginia during the early twentieth century. Shock therapy, poor conditions, straitjackets, its all here and ready for your twisted minds. Weekly meetings between shall take place between patients and staff where you may pose issues and vote. Not sure how that's going to work, however I have some ideas. More on that later. As for staff and ministers, one is encouraged strongly to be a patient however I will allow a few Administrators and staff as players if you so wish. Ministers will vote on issues posed by the facility's Administrator. As for patient life, patients follow a strict schedule: 6:00: Waking time 7:00: Morning Checks (Man in white shirt runs around to see if you are all still alive and the primitive seraquel didn't kill you mid-sleep) 7:45: Patients are groggily dragged from their beds after the bounds are undone and are taken to breakfast (Breakfast includes eggs and toast served with the world's most watery and least effective coffee.) 8:25: "Free Time" (Sit around moping, playing numerous card games over cigarettes, reading, or complaining about the incredibly loud Beethoven Symphony playing over the intercom. 9:10: Meet with psychiatrists (On Fridays, the weekly meeting occurs on this time.) (OOC: I need to figure out exactly when and how to do it, suggestions would be helpful.) 11:30: "Education Time" (Patients are sent to classrooms if they have taken a class, or like most, they just go back to the free time area.) 12:40: Lunch Time (Patients are given one of a selection of foods depending on the day, and medication.) 1:20: Vital Analysis (Nurses do a bunch of checks on patients body and whether it is functioning properly. Occasional flirtation with the nurses is practically mandatory.) 1:40: Swimming and Exercise Period. (Pretty self-explanatory.) 2:40: Conversation Hour (Nurses speak to a crowd of patients, usually discussing the evils of not taking your medication and new different forms of therapy.) 4:00 Visitation Time (Most just end up in the Free time area as most of these people either have no family or one that would want to see them.) 6:00 Dinner Time (Everyone lines up in an orderly fashion to get their food and medication while anorexics make an elaborate pattern with peas and carrots.) 7:00 Free Time (Wooh! Again!) 9:00 Before Sleep Recreation (Everyone sits around in the common room. Many just sit around laughing and crying while paranoiacs stare at the news with a sense of terror and anorexics continue their endless exercises.) 11:00 Bed Time (Patients are strapped into their beds and the lights are shut off.) So anyways, the rules! (I doubt any of these will need to be changed, however some may be added.) 1. Don't Be A Dick. 2. Have Fun. No seriously, enjoy it. 3. This is the early twentieth century, don't make somebody that would be out of place for the era, unless it pertains to their disorder (e.g., Don Quixote.) 4. This is a mental hospital. Don't be someone sane or normal. 5. Don't kill a character unless you have their creator's approval. 6. This isn't made to shame people with mental problems of any kind. It is purely for entertainment and no ill-will is intended. 7. Ministers will be assigned a certain position (For example Security) and they will have control over the actions of all the guards. If a staff member is being played by a player than he can choose whether or not to listen to his orders/ And Now... For The Long Awaited Character Sheet! Name: Nicknames/alias (If any): Gender: Appearance: Age: Religious Identification: Personality: Personal Motto: Mental Illness: Other: Personal History: If you have any questions, please ask me either in a PM or in the OOC.