[h2][b][color=9e0b0f]Gregory "Slick" Jones[/color][/b][/h2] [IMG]http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu288/wittywolf35/Real%20Guys/8c16aa80.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Street, train station, Scarlet Express. [b][u]Interacting:[/u][/b] Eva Drake [@WhiteStar19] [hr][hr] Greg was in a foul mood, not having been able to take a flight to England for his last year. Instead he had to travel by Floo powder! Now his clothes were covered in soot. He was not giving anyone the satisfaction of seeing him with the appearance of a chimney sweep! He ducked into a nearby coffee shop, where the barista looked at him with wide and unbelieving eyes.His black jeans looked to be grey, including his new red button down shirt! His converse slid across the linoeleum as he rushed to the counter, the thick coating of ash not allowing traction. [color=9e0b0f]"Just need to use your bathroom, thanks!"[/color] Gregory reached over the counter, grabbing the key attached to a long plastic tag that read [b]Boys[/b]. With a nod, he locked himself inside. Pulling out his wand, he muttered a quick charm to clean off his clothing and left just as quickly. He threw the key back to the bewildered girl before sparing her a wink. As he was pulling his luggage down the street towards the train station, his watch beeped. It was his alarm and he was going to be late. Settling his shoulders, Greg set off at a dead run, yelling at pedestrians to move out of his way. When he finally made it to the platform, he rushed through the entrance to 9 3/4 in record time, but panting a little. Collecting himself, he nodded and waved to a few of the faces he recognized from around Hogwarts. He hoped Lucas would show his, however. He was in the perfect mood to really let the Ravenclaw have it. As he pulled his trolley into the train and started walking down the hall of compartments. He spotted Alva say something in passing to someone in a compartment. A moment after, Eva popped out her head and Greg grinned. No one knew how to make his day better than his best friend and captain. [color=9e0b0f]"Hola, La Capitan!"[/color] he shouted back at her, picking up the pace and grabbing her in a tight hug. He'd missed her his two months at home, more than he normally did and it felt great to be reunited. He let go and held her at arms length by her shoulders, looking her over. [color=9e0b0f]"The summer definitely agreed with you! What did Alva want by the way? I saw her pass by on my way to you."[/color] [hr][hr] [h2][b][color=007236]Charles Kemp V[/color][/b][/h2] [IMG]http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu288/wittywolf35/Real%20Guys/c460ef58.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b]Family estate, car, train station [b][u]Interacting:[/u][/b] Johnson Leeds [@Hushed Whispers] [hr][hr] Charles Kemp hugged his mother and father, who wished him well and luck this coming year. They didn't doubt that their son would do well in his studies, but this year the boy had a special job to do. His father had informed him of a seventh year, charged with the task of murdering the Headmaster. His father, Charles Kemp IV, told him in no uncertain terms that this plan must succeed, no matter the cost. The prodigal son eagerly accepted the challenge. When they had finally said their last goodbyes, Charles slipped into the back seat of the family chauffeur. The man was a competent driver and got the young man their in good time. Collecting his things from the driver, who had exited the car to gather his young master's effects, Charles approached the station. He sniffed at the obviously lower class of Wizardry that accompanied him on his trip through to 9 3/4. [color=007236]"They'll let anyone in these days.."[/color] the boy muttered to himself, before adopting a more personable expression. He had appearances to keep up, after all. He smiled and nodded at the right people, other Purebloods from upstanding families. He even nodded to a Half-blood or two, but only because their parents were wild successes. They didn't deserve his time otherwise. His driver had accompanied him and lifted his cart into the train for him. [color=007236]"Thank you Jeffrey, that'll be all. For you troubles,"[/color] thanked the arrogant young man, depositing five large Galleons into the man's gloved hand. The driver nodded to the boy, "Of course, young Master. Good fortune on this school year, I'll be here for your return trip as well." Bowing low, he left and Charles made his way into a compartment with only one other student. Nodding, he found his seat and settled his things. Some time after when the train was nearly to depart, Johnson Leeds opened the compartment door and asked if he could join them. This was the boy his father said was tasked with the assassination. Good.[color=007236]"For a Leeds, there's always room."[/color] Charles assured the older boy.