The woman maintained the calm in her voice, but her body language told a different story, the accusation that she might have been the kidnapper was more than baseless. It made her truly angry, although it only showed for a moment. Jeanne guess that she might have been a victim of the kidnapping, as opposed to the kidnapper him... or her? [i]Itself.[/i] Her expression at the word 'kidnapper,' or rather, lack thereof, portrayed some vulnerability. Almost as if Jeanne had accidentally prodded a very open wound. "I probably know less than you!" She sighed. Fearful, and still rather impressed with the ability of the white-haired woman, Jeanne gave a nod and did as commanded. She sat on the barstool adjacent, with much less grace than the slender white-haired assassin. She sat hunched over, leaning on the bar, with her head resting against her hand on her cheek. Her legs were open, crossing them like a 'proper lady' as they dangled in the air from being in the stool, at her height, with her curves-- would be even more awkward than simply trusting in her skirt to protect her womanhood from view. "It was supposed to be a simple delivery--" As Jeanne spoke of why she had come to the the City in the first place, the rocky relationship she had with her employer and the parcel he had given her as some ransom to men who had either kidnapped his daughter, or something very important to his daughter, and how it had all led her here, her eyes wandered. She observed the woman, who carried herself like royalty and her lithe features of a dancer. She was intense, serious, trained in her art and apparently oblivious to her natural magnetism. The contrast between the two struck her hard; Jeanne must have looked like some common peasant sitting next to this woman. Still, Jeanne maintained jovial and finished her tale; "I thought the guy might show himself if a mere femme with a package was all that had been sent to rendezvous with him!" She shrugged, "If it was that simple I doubt the culprit is still here now... probably went running scared after you cut that guy's hand off." Jeanne blushed slight again, "Which-- again, I know you don't want to hear this, but that was really amazing! I've never seen anyone handle something so quickly and coolly before! Sorry."