Dan was freaking out, he was fine and expecting giant rats but not giant mosquitoes (Dan is scarred of Mosquitoes). Dan then saw that Theo was in trouble but Dan had no idea what sort of spells he had in his arsenal so he looked at D.O "Uh orb lady what can i do?" Dead Dan asked the aforementioned orb turned around and looked at Dan [color=662d91]"Why Do you wanna know that now!?!"[/color] D.O shrieked as she dodged one of F.G.M (Fucking Giant Mosquitoes) they appeared to be ignoring Dan. "Don't Ask me just Tell me what i can do!!" he said frustrated D.O was a bit startled at Dan's tone [color=662d91]"You can call upon flesh-locusts and cast fire balls"[/color] Dan was a bit-disappointed when he learned that he couldn't raise an army of the undead immediately, but there was no point in arguing of what magic he doesn't have and what he has. all he needs to do now is to help his friends so he yelled for Theo to duck as he shot a fireball at the Mosquito [@Tancuras]