[center][color=AFEEEE][h1][b]Coma[/b][/h1] [sup][sup][h2][u]The Lloyd Ross Mystery[/u][/h2][/sup][/sup][/color][/center] [h3][b]|| [color=708090]plot[/color] ||[/b][/h3] On 9th September, 2015, 12 year old Lloyd Ross was found at the side of a road in a coma. He was rushed to a hospital, where the coma lasted 6 weeks, before he eventually flatlined, much to the dismay of his family. Following that, his mother was induced in the same coma, only to awake after only a week. 3 days later, the family was granted permission to have Lloyd's body (after investigations led nowhere), and he was buried. A Facebook memorial page was posted the same day. The press followed the Ross family for a year and a half, as they went through a struggle of grief and depression. It eventually ended with Mr. Ross dying of cancer and Mrs. Ross hanging herself. 10 months later, a group of teenagers decided to explore the warehouse that was once the hospital where Lloyd himself was kept, for a "spooky night out". But what they found was more than ghosts and ghouls... [h3][b]|| [color=708090]welcome[/color] || [/b][/h3] Welcome, all, to Coma - The Lloyd Ross Mystery! This is a roleplay in which you take on the role of the group of teenagers specified above, and roleplay out their discoveries in the newly-built, yet surprisingly abandoned, warehouse. Trust me - it's gonna be a lot of fun. I want to get roughly four players, but I am open to go above the limit. I really hope this takes off as well as my abandoned roleplay The Kidnapping, as this is kind of based off that, only with a different story and mechanics. The interest check may seem short, but I'm weird and don't like repeating myself in the OOC, so declaring interest will get you a [i]lot[/i] more detail. The roleplays I do [i]are[/i] all Advanced, but I prefer quality over quantity, hence my mainly 1 - 2 paragraph posts on most days. That being said, your character sheets (if this takes off) don't have to be uber detailed, just detailed enough. (Hence why mine always look crap, too.) I hope we get a lot of interest for this, as I believe it to be a pretty good concept, and I can't wait! (Also, Lloyd Ross' faceclaim is me. Just wanna put that out there for when I recreate the memorial page. :P)