Fiona turned her head slowly to look at Shela, the fingers on one of her hands combed into her red hair. Her eyebrows were raised. "You're asking me?" she paused, taking a drink. "I don't know the first thing about what's happening. This isn't the usual for me." She never thought it would be easy, but somehow she thought it would be more orderly, more clear who was on her side and who was not, and certainly she didn't think magic would start making her allies disappear in the middle of the night. She wished Sana were here. Then, out of nowhere, Lob reappeared, covered in... something, and slamming down a dead eyewing on the table, causing Fiona to jump back, eyes wide. She stared at the creature for a moment, blinking, and quite dumbfounded. "Oh... wow. That's..." It was excellent, she supposed, that Lob had gathered for them another of the things they needed, but it hardly explained things. "What happened to you? Some of the others vanished, too. Did you see any of them?" Outside, Zoe had watched the greenskinned one enter the tavern with a passing interest, noting the carcass on his back, before she turned her head to peer up at Derrix, greeting him with a bright smile. "I'm Zoenya dar Ravaris len Marrakash. You can call me Zoenya. Or Zoe. Whatever works." She listened as the eyewing was slammed down on the table inside. "Never a predictable moment with these people, is there?"