It was about an hour later before Ceres returned. And by that time the captain had apparently already left, or gone to bed. Either way, she was a little bit disappointed. As on the way back, she had noticed a bunch of wanted posters on a message board in the middle of town. And among them was Octavius again. And his bounty had been updated. Instead of his old 25 gold bounty, he was now apparently worth 40. Her bounty had also been posted. Apparently the noble she had stolen the devil's fruit from was still after her, or something like that. She still had the same 10 gold bounty though. "Guess I'll just tell him tomorrow." She mused to herself as she headed to the innkeeper. The day had felt far too short, but nothing they could do about it now. So it was time to head to bed. And it was great to finally be able to take a shower again, so she'd probably spend the next half hour doing that first anyway. Almost an hour later and Ceres finally emerged from the shower and walked to her bed, feeling quite refreshed. Far too clean for your average pirate, but then again she wasn't your average pirate after all. Lack of sleep from the previous night started to set in, though, so the girl quickly put on some clean underwear and laid in the bed. Quite a bit more comfortable than a hammock, but at the same time it felt wrong. Like something was missing from sleeping like this. Still, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Tomorrow would no doubt be a bothersome day, but luckily that was still a good 7 hours away.