[quote=@Cuddle Pot] Name was also concerned with this strange man's outburst, though not surprised. Before he could react Autumn drew his attention and managed to calm him down purely with force of character. Name smiled and felt deep pride in Autumn. The old doctor then returned his attention to Lou and studied him with a curious look on his face. "There was no question about it he'll have to come back with us." Name thought privately. "I understand what he is going through, I can help him get on his feet, (so to speak) maybe even work with him to remember what happened to him." Though he felt a little guilty Name also wanted him around to learn more about him. In his years he had never heard of anything like him, he assumed all vampires followed the same rules and patterns as him but apparently he was very wrong. Name had a lot to learn. Name smiled as his three companions played with the Chinese handcuffs. Name remembered when his brother and his two sisters played with them, trying to see who could get out the quickest. Sarah couldn't do it and their father had to cut her out with scissors! Name also remembered when he showed them to Nate. (who also had to be rescued) Name knew Autumn would get a kick out of those stories but they all seemed busy and they still needed to finish their shopping. So while they were enjoying themselves Name picked out some clothes he thought Autumn would like, including a t-shirt with a unicorn on it, not a cartoon one but a European style creature, along with some skirts, some pants, and a small blue dress. On his way up to the counter Name say a small bookshelf filled with books on the Supernatural. On the top he say one in particular that caught his eye, a small leather bound tome titled, "Vampires Through The Ages", in fancy gold script. As soon as he saw it he immediately thought of Wyn who during one of their rare encounters had asked if he knew many ancient vampires. Name had responded that as a relatively young vampire he was sorry to say that he knew very few of them period. Name set his purchases on the counter and while the elderly shopkeeper priced things up Name idly leafed through it. Then by shear chance Name fell on a very important page with a full illustration that chilled him to the very bone and silenced his peaceful reflections. Instead replacing them with a scene of terror, and blood. Almost 8 years ago Name had been walking home late after spending the last two hours hunting downtown for something very special. He was walking around a brisk pace, he could have taken the car but he felt this way his errand felt that much more special. It was raining, not a painful pelting rain, but a steady drizzle enough to soak you but your clothes would be dry by noon tomorrow. He stopped in the warm glow of a streetlight to check his watch, twelve minutes to midnight. It was then that he heard a voice behind him, a voice that chilled him to the bone, for he had no idea who it belonged to and that anyone was even following him. It rolled out of the strangers throat sophisticated and smooth, with a certainty that seemed to say "I own you, you just don't know it yet" The stranger said, "Your a little old for my tastes. But you'll do." Name turned in shock and suddenly before he could get a look at his attacker he felt a terrible pricing pain in his neck. Vampires can release a chemical that numbs the pain of being drained, this stranger choose not to. Name could feel it. The suction as his life fluids where being sucked out of the wounds in his neck and into this strangers throat. He could hear it. This monsters greedy sucking and slurping as he downed his prize down his own throat. He could smell it. First the background smell of the rain on the damp earth coating and perfuming the thin coppery smell of his own blood. [center]Name could feel himself dying[/center] After what felt like an eternity the vampire ripped his fangs out of Name's neck and watched him slump to the ground. What little of Name's blood started to ooze out and mix with the rain. Out of his pocket fell Stanley's wallet. The stranger slowly and deliberately picked it up and stared at the pictures he kept there. "Is this one yours Stanley? She's beautiful. Tell me if you have someone like this at home what are you doing running around in the rain?" For the first time the stranger noticed the bundle Name had been carrying with him. He reached down and unwrapped it revealing a beautiful violin. "'Bring her music back into my life my sweet'. That's beautiful. Did you come up with this yourself? Still I would hate to see such a beautiful thing rot in the rain. I can't bare the thought of some poor empty house with no music to fill it. Dr. Stanley Name, would you like to live again, so that my delicate heart will not be shattered?" Name was unable to answer slowly bleeding out his face streaked with tears, rain, and blood. The stranger bit into his own wrist and held it out to the struggling doctor. "Drink. And live forever. Drink and be mine." Name despite his better judgment, despite and the voices screaming no, Name began to drink. From a distance it looked as if Name was kneeling before the stranger. Like a feudal knight bowing before his lord. He felt life, strength, power flow into him. He felt the holes in his neck sear with blinding pain then slowly scab over. [center]He felt his heart stop. He felt himself die.[/center] Name was appalled as his mind slowly woke up from his near death state and tasted a revolting taste in his mouth. He tried to pull away but was stopped. "No my child you need more, more then even I can give you be still. And feed." Name unswayed by the vampires honyed words tried to pull away again and was swiftly backhanded across the face. Yet the terrible taste of blood was no longer in his mouth. "Ungrateful weakling! Do as you wish I have far more important things to do. But know this my pet one day I will come calling. And you will come running like the dog you are." And with that the unnamed stranger left Name weeping in the soft glow of the streetlight, and the soft drizzle of the rain. Name was jerked back to the present by the sharp pain of his fangs breaking through his gums. Staring at the book in his hands Stanley read the name of the man that had ruined his life [center]Kinder Isaac[/center] Trying to keep the shake out of his voice and tears from his eyes Name picked up the small ball for Autumn and the book then placed them on the counter as well. "h-h-how m-much?" After paying. Name discreetly tore the page of Kinder out of the book. Pocketed it. And returned to the group. [/quote] Lou saw this motion, and he could tell by the body language this was not something he enjoyed to see. Come to think of it, he did not know much about these people he was now with, and had they not had a child and a reason for him to follow, he would never have even thought of going near them. He was still fairly embarrased of his clothing at this time, but was too concerned with the new man he had met than to think of this. He needed to help him, he felt it in his heart. Placing a hand on Name's shoulder he nodded with a knowing look. "The past is the past, remember this"