Both the conversations of Lance and Rosa were interrupted by the attacking Mosquitos. [b]"I was expecting giant rats, but this is much better."[/b] Rosa said as she got a sadistic look on her face. She held her bat at the ready and looked to her orb. [b]"What are my moves?"[/b] Rosa asked the orb as she turned towards it. She wasn't about to go into a fight unprepared, much the same way one wouldn't enter a baseball game unprepared. The orb seemed to shake a bit. Shifting to a slightly deeper red. [color=9e0b0f]"Hard Hitter, Home run, and Berserker Mode."[/color] The orb answered. Rosa smiled at this she liked the sound of one of her moves being called Home Run. [b]"Alright then, this will be fun!"[/b] Rosa said with a smile. She was rather slow in approach a mosquito, as she got closer she noticed the skeletal figure. He seemed a bit flustered in the situation. Rosa grinned as she ran at a mosquito heading straight toward the skeletal man. She stopped in front of him swinging her bat at the skeletal figure. [b]"HOME RUN!"[/b] Rosa yelled as she launched the mosquito out of the temple, it would be back but it would give them some time. "Common you gotta get some composure!" Rosa said to him as she grinned at him. [b]"I'll cover you! Just do something magical, you look like the mage type!"[/b] Rosa said with a playful smile holding her bat at the ready to defend the skeleton. [@Billsomething] Lance the meantime looked at his own orb. [b]"What do I got?"[/b] Lance asked the orb. It quickly replied after shaking a bit. [color=0072bc]"Summon Spear, and Blue Blast."[/color] Lance got a grin on his face before putting his helmet back up.[b] "Right then, let's try the first one."[/b] Lance said with a smile, he did a quick bit of flailing around artfully before raising his hand the sky. [b]"Summon Spear!"[/b] Lance called out. A spear then appeared in air before falling to his hand. [b]"This thing is nice!"[/b] Lance said with a smile before running to the side of Rosa plunging a spear into the mosquito. Rosa took the chance to hit the mosquito with her bat and killing the thing. [b]"Not so tough."[/b] Rosa said putting the bat on her shoulder, it still had some bug juices splattered on it.