[center][h3][color=007236]Charles Stonem Kemp[/color][/h3] [img]Gif or Pic of Character[/img] ☠ Enemy || ☯ Neutral || ★ Friend || ♥ Love Interest[/center] [center][color=000000][h1][u]Hogwarts Relations[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [indent][u][b]A L V A . Z O L K I N[/b][/u] | ☯ "The seventh year that thinks she's funny?" While Charles respects her for her blood status, she has earned a small amount of discontent with the cold young man. Her having fun at his expense is something the proud Charles does not take too fondly. The only reason he hasn't orchestrated a small accident for the girl is her exceptional breeding and endearing personality. [u][b]E L I Z E . V A N Z A N T[/b][/u] | ☠ "Now that is a woman of high-breeding, shame she has that god-awful personality." Charles has never spoken to Elize, but has known of her for years. Being of high standing, his family has tried to broach the possibility of marriage of her grandmother, which was politely declined. Charles thought it just as well, finding her detest of him amusing. She seems to think she has him all figured out. [u][b]E V A N G E L I N E . D R A K E[/b][/u] | ☯ "She's a good Chaser and lousy at hiding her feelings." They've played a few games together, but beyond that have had little to no interaction. He's noticed her look at him suspiciously, but knows he keeps the worst of his true nature from the public eye. He's noticed the way she looks at her friend, Slick, and knows where her true nature lies. [u][b]G R E G O R Y . J O N E S[/b][/u] | ☠ "The scum of scum, an uncouth, rude, and the worst of the Gryffindor lot." Charles realized that Gregory was a Mudblood soon after he made the Slytherin team and despised him. After one fierce game and a heated argument, a fight broke out between the two, with Charles throwing the first blow. Charles smoothed it over with the staff, but since has been told in no uncertain terms to avoid the Chaser in everything, but Quidditch. To this day, Gregory nor Charles speak of what was said between the two, but none can mistake the naked hatred between them. [u][b]H Y A C I N T H U S . T R I V E T T[/b][/u] | ☠ "Aaah, the Huffle[i]poof[/i] Mudblood, right?" There was a target Charles truly enjoyed making suffer. From their first encounter, Charles could tell his abuse got under the boy's skin. He'd even called over some of his friends to join in on the fun! He's heard that the Mudblood has even been practicing duel magic intensively, which almost makes Charles laugh. If the Mudblood could hope to overcome his extensive knowledge of the art of magic duels, it'd take years. [u][b]J O H N S O N . L E E D S[/b][/u] | ★ "A good man, despite being only a Half-blood." Having been in the circle of Death Eaters for his whole life, Charles was aware when he joined their private cult. While suspicious of his true loyalty, he admires the man for sticking with the right crowd and code. After hearing of Johnson's mission, he has made it his own to help him in any way possible. [u][b]L U C A S . W E S T O N[/b][/u] | ★ "Ah, the prideful Hufflepuff. He does have his moments." Charles is aware that Lucas does not hold true to the original beliefs of the Death Eaters. He sniffs at the Hufflepuff's naive ideology that even Mudbloods are of acceptable stock. Charles appreciates Lucas's cold and calculating nature, as well as his natural flair for deception. [u][b]M A D I S O N . L I[/b][/u] | ☯/♥ "The Hufflepuff, right? Well, she's a fun conversationalist, that's for damn sure." Another of the seventh year Purebloods, Charles admires her arrogance. She is extremely intelligent and forthwith, something he values highly. Her confidence and flirtatiousness is merely icing on the cake. He's said more than a few words to her, hoping to get in her good graces and maybe start something a little more before she graduates. [u][b]O P H E L I A . C R A F T E R[/b][/u] | ☯ "For being a Slytherin, she's a bit...soft." The Slytherin girl wrote him off as soon as he made a small offhand comment about those damn muggles. While he might have enjoyed her company, knowing of her streak of roguish behavior, she lets her own opinions cloud good sense. Being friends with Charles has its benefits after all. Even so, he has the passing relationship, being in Charms Club together. [u][b]T A D E O . D I A Z[/b][/u] | ☯ "The transfer, right?" The epitome of a failure of a Slytherin. Tadeo may have the drive of one, he has none of their values. This is something Charles finds a bit repulsive and ignores the fellow for the most part. [u][b] T H O M A S, C R E V I K I[/b][/u] | ☠ "Another of the scum, how many are they actually allowing into Hogwarts?" Friend of the detestable Gregory Jones, Charles holds an instant hatred for the boy. He finds him extraordinarily similar to Greg in some aspects, and not just filthy blood. If he could, he'd wipe that lot of them out. All in due time, of course. [u][b]W Y A T T . B L A C K W O O D[/b][/u] | ☠ "That disgusting Mudblood, a bit too big for his breeches, I'd say." How a Mudblood might have such an overweening personality, Charles cannot say. He sees Wyatt as nothing special and dismisses the Ravenclaw. He's been known to crack the snide comment or two about his fellow sixth year, wondering how such scum could possibly think to have a future as a true Wizard. [u][b] Z E K E . R O W L E[/b][/u] | ☯/★ "He could be so much more, if he just shrugged off what others might think of him." If Charles could feel pity, he was sure Ezekiel would be a subject of that emotion. The boy's extended family had been staunch supporters of the Dark Lord and that gave Charles a respect for the Pureblood, cut down low by the traitorous ways of his parents. He'd frequently heard of Zeke, as he preferred to be known, from his parents. They talked of one of the first Metamorphmagus born in ages, since the birth of the late Nymphadora Tonks, in fact. They heard that he was attending Hogwarts, as would Charles. Charles hopes to get closer to Ezekiel and find out what is in the young man's head.[/indent]