[center][h2][u]Celine Anderson[/u][/h2] Celine tossed and turned in her bed as Andrew prodded her shoulder, calling her name. "Celiiiiiiine. Celiiiiiiine. Wake up. You've been asleep for three days." Celine turned her head to look at Andrew groggily in confusion. "Wha? But you're still wearing the same uniform..." Andrew was dressed in a light body armor, one that stopped most bullets and shrapnel, but didn't hinder mobility. He had the same emblem sewn on a patch on his shoulders, as the one that was sewn onto Celine's vest, and had a military helmet in the crook of his arm. Andrew sighed, and shook his head. Grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the bed, dumping her on the floor, he said, "Right. After all this time, you're still not a morning person. Get up, you layabout. There's the last bastion of order on the West Coast to guard." Groaning, Celine pushed herself off the floor and grumbling, started to pull on her armor, the one that, even before the Fall, had seen plenty of action. She liked the feel of the bulletproof body armor, it felt like a second skin. While worn and faded, the white bulldozer blade emblem was still sewn into the fabric, reminding others who she was. When she put on her entire outfit, she slid her knife into its sheath on the armor, right above her hip. Her trusty .50 revolver, however, went into the holster at her hip, the beast of a gun not weighing her down in the slightest. Only someone with her abilities could effectively use that gun as a viable option for combat. Checking that she had enough ammo for whatever might happen, she took her Citadel Guard Division Leader badge and slid it into a pocket on her vest. Most people knew her on sight, no need to flaunt her authority. Tying a green bandanna around her auburn-covered head, she followed Andrew out into the hallway outside of their shared apartment in the Tower. Personally, she didn't like living in such a venerated way. While she enjoyed the recognition and fame of being a former super-for-hire, she didn't like being viewed as... better than others. With the exception of some villains and extremely arrogant non-humans, from what Celine saw, most other supers felt the same way. However, Pariah and Cassandra insisted, and everyone (well, most everyone,) listened to Pariah and Cassandra. Celine felt that her men could take care of their duties without direct control for a few hours, so she decided to attend the meeting. Turning to Andrew, she said, "Andy-boy, if you'd be so kind as to tell the men that I'll be here for a while, I'd appreciate that." Andrew nodded, businesslike, and pulled his helmet on, heading to the elevator. Heading the opposite way, Dozer went to the meeting. While it wasn't that the scavenging run wasn't necessary for the Citadel, nor interesting, to her, it just was not pertinent for her job at the moment. Maybe if they needed backup, she'd head out there with her men, but she was generally based in the Citadel proper. Celine took a seat at the table itself, for while she wasn't the head of all security in the Citadel, she did lead the elite Citadel Guard group, and when she had something to say, the Security Council usually listened. She was listening passively to the conversation, until Nick mentioned her hero name. She rubbed her chin, considering the idea. Yeah, it was pretty smart. There were some of her men that were American as Apple Pie heroes before the Fall, and would be liked by most of the people. There were former villains, and mercenaries, as well, but she didn't think that those ones would be quite as... charismatic as Nick would want. Coughing, to clear her throat, the woman known as 'Dozer' spoke up. "While Mr. Ferrin- I mean Steel, has a point, you all know some of the people under my command. Personally, I don't believe that Trauma and Blitz are the most charismatic individuals. No offense meant to those not present. I suggest sending out Guardian and Braid, along with Commander. Those are the ones, that, while they'd be missed in combat, we wouldn't be lost without. While capable, they're not our main powerhouses, and I can let them go on this... charm offensive. I'm afraid I can't let anyone else go, without compromising effectiveness." Celine had spoken her part, and then fell silent again, as she informed the others of her feelings and capability to participate in the plan. [/center]