[quote=@olcharlieboi] [@Rex] well everyone is going to learn every kind of magic minus the forbidden ones, just some people will learn others better, like yours will learn the element of lightning better than you would learn the others from his talent. which they all will be starting out the exact same, magic-less seeking to learn magic. they'll begin with the exact same training set. after they pass the first challenge given during training will it start to become diverse and learn more than simply magic control. For source of magic that's a lot closer than your CS post. because their not going to instantly start taking magic from all around them into their bodies. they'd pop like a balloon sense no way they could hold it in, nor stop it if it started to happen because of their lack of control. sense i want people to make more in regards to these. Currently i only have two prime examples thanks to the original roleplay, wish had more lol. Their source of magic will be where they pull their magic from within themselves or at lest one of the beginning methods. for some it's spread throughout their body like vanes or currents, some it's at the core of simply their bodies, while other it's core of who they are. one with good explaining and imagination could probably give more and better examples. [/quote] so I was thinking of taking it to a sort of scientific level. where Alex harnesses the atoms in his body since the human body has seven billion billion billion atoms and the human body replaces atoms in a different time slot for different body parts. for example: The lining in stomach and intestine every 4 days, The Gums are replaced every 2 weeks, The Skin replaced every 4 weeks, The Liver replaced every 6 weeks, The Lining of blood vessels replaced every 6 months, The Heart replaced every 6 months,The Surface cells of digestion, top layer cells in the digestion process from our mouth through our large bowel are replaced every 5 minutes. or am I still looking too deep into this?