[quote=@Strawberry425] [/quote] It is interesting that the topic of furries being a deterrent for the promotion of other zoanthropes whereas werewolves are generally accepted is a surprisingly fascinating development. I never associated furries with zoanthropes - I divided the categories mentally of "furry", "anthropomorphic" and "zoanthropic", but I could see how that genre could readily give the wrong impression based upon perceptions of that community and the fact that there is a sliding-scale of "furriness" of which is still hotly debated. I agree that it is a culture matter that is strongly built into most European and American societies relating to the dog, and by greater extension, the wolf. I appreciate your largely neutral and unique perspective, [@Strawberry425] - thank you for offering it. [quote=@ArcaneUnit] [/quote] Given you have gone off into character and I now better understand what it is you are saying. Unfortunately, I am not exactly sure as to how it relates to the matter of almost every roleplay topic being strictly werewolves or the "classic" media accepted monsters, but I appreciate your confidence in it - even if I disagree on a few matters. [quote=@Vilageidiotx] Where are the Were-Marine life btw? I want to see a Werewhale. [/quote] Admittedly I've not seen anything of establish zoanthropic strains of anything of the sort; the [i]Dungeons and Dragons[/i] franchise is the extent of that, and they tend to invent their own lore or modify it for some things as it is. I am unsure as to [i]Whitewolf[/i]'s sources... perhaps they drew upon existing folklore; I am sure there are fera of [i]Werewolf: The Apocalypse[/i] that would fit these.