[h2][color=teal]Penny[/color][/h2] Penny watched as Quill seemed to trot back and forth, practically advertising the town. She let out a small smile at how he seemed to have fun with advertising, before he started leading her to the cafe. She followed him as he led her to the cafe, and she said to him "[color=teal]Thank you. I really appreciate the help,[/color]" She couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved that he seemed like a nice guy thus far. [h2][color=magenta]Daniel[/color][/h2] Everything in Daniel's mind came to a screeching halt as soon as the girl looked at him, with no light of recognition or excitement/disbelief in her eyes, and just shrugged him off saying that she was fine. Didn't this girl know who she had just bumped into? Didn't this one girl even listen to his music? He was left staring and gaping at the same spot that the girl who bumped into him and been in, until he realized that she had just walked off. He shook his head and he turned and he started to follow calling "[color=magenta]He-Hey! Wait![/color]" He rounded the corner, but found that she was gone already, and instead a scraggly man had passed him. Before he could even think of looking for the girl, his agent caught up to him and he asked the pop star "[color=brown]What are you doing, Daniel? Come on, let's get you into the hotel! Before some lunatic comes![/color]" He was ushered into the hotel before Daniel could even protest, and he couldn't help but keep thinking about that girl who bumped into him while his agent checked him in. He only answered the receptionist when she spoke to him, in a confused daze.