[color=lime][center][b]-- December 15th, 6320 -- 2:20pm -- Mantle Level -- District 20: Club Olympus --[/b][/center][/color] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starcitizen/images/b/b4/GossII_Cassell_Bar_CGHUB.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20140502203901[/img][/center] [color=gray] Sel'ket was walking down the sidewalk of District 20's main road. The lighting was poor and the roads were is bad condition. The vehicles that passed were wheeled, only the occasional police vehicles had hover tech. The buildings were in better shape than the abandoned ones in District 20, and the large amount of activity around her made her blend in too perfectly. Sel'ket wore the same clothes as the locals did. A long duster coat with a small breather mask over her mouth an nose, durable cargo's made for the rugged environment of the Mantle Level, and some steel toed boots. Underneath her open duster coat, she wore a slim fitting burgundy tank top. Her stomach was exposed, her blue and gold scarab tattoo on full display. She received a lot of looks from the men, some from other women, and even more from police officers patrolling on foot. Tattoos in the Mantle Level were common, most people had at least one. In the Mantle, the detail and quality of your tattoos denoted your social status, wealth and sometimes even your gang or faction, even your occupation. People kept their tattoos on display as both a way to intimidate and to advertise. It wasn't uncommon that crime bosses in the Mantle Level were covered head to toe in tattoos. [color=white][i]"Oi! Scarab!"[/i][/color] a deep voice yelled out from behind Sel'ket. The woman turned and saw a large man headed her way. He had a cybernetic right arm. His left was tattooed with cogs and gears and wires. He wore a simple white muscle shirt, stained with something only Sempra-Tor knows what and dirty from all of the dust in the air. His rebreather was a nose and mouth unit just like Sel'ket's, except a long tube extended out from the side of it and connected to a oxygen purifier that rested on the small of his back. He wore the standard cargo pants. On his left leg was his custom gold plated revolver on display. His right leg carried a knife the size of Sel'ket's arm. Sel'ket grinned and kept walking forward, making the man catch up. When she heard him just behind her, she spoke, [color=white][b]"Hello, Donovan. What are you doing down here in the Mantle?"[/b][/color] Donovan was trying to walk shoulder to shoulder with Sel'ket but the crowd of people around them and her pace kept him from being able to. The big man shrugged, [color=white][i]"I came down from the Core Level to pick up some supplies. Our crawler broke down and we've been ordered by some official to clear a landing zone for our facility. They said our facility is temporarily being used as a military training facility."[/i][/color] He ran a huge hand along his buzz cut hair. [color=white][b]"Temporarily? How long is temporarily?"[/b][/color] Sel'ket asked as she kept on walking. Donovan shrugged, [color=white][i]"They said a month at least, but until the reconfigurations of their nearest training facility are complete, they're stuck there."[/i][/color] Sel'ket couldn't help but laugh, [color=white][b]"What ever would you do if a stray bullet caught one of your precious samples?"[/b][/color] Donovan was a scientist. You wouldn't believe it just by looking at the man of muscle, but he was, and he had the intellect to prove it. Sel'ket always had to keep her contacts updated, they came and went as generations passed. Sel'ket liked hearing what Donovan had to say because he always had good information. Though, Donovan didn't know that, the man was completely innocent. Put in harsh terms, Sel'ket used him. She knew Donovan was seriously into her, and that gave her leverage toward learning juicy information. Sure, Sel'ket might have had one night with him, but her golden rule was to never love a mortal. Donovan groaned at the thought, [color=white][i]"They better not! Those samples are some of the most genetically pure samples on the entire level! Took me years to get my hands on that many."[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"And how many is that?"[/b][/color] Sel'ket inquired. [color=white][i]"Well... Only three bu- Actually that's besides the point! Point is, finding -three- took long enough, okay. Do you know havy many plants are in the Core Level? Enough to overgrow New York City before it fell into ruin. Three is a big deal."[/i][/color] Sel'ket laughed again and rounded the corner. Just across the street was the Olympus. It wasn't as high and mighty as the name made it out to be. It looked like just another dingy nightclub on the street. There was a long line of people waiting to get in, supposedly waiting for some big shot music artist. She turned and looked to Donovan, [color=white][b]"Well, Donovan, it was good seeing you again but I got to get to work. I'll see you around."[/b][/color] Donovan looked over to the club and raised a brow, [color=white][i]"You know... You've never told me what you do for a living. Seeing you 'go to work' -there- of all places makes me think you're a waitress. But a waitress in the Mantle doesn't make enough money to be packing tech like you do."[/i][/color] Sel'ket grinned again, though her mask hid it from him. [color=white][b]"I'm meeting clients in there. They want me to not be late and it's my business to not disappoint them."[/b][/color] her tone made it sound like she was an escort, taking [i]clients[/i]. Donovan knew she was teasing him. Sel'ket had too much pride and dignity to whore herself. But he knew the woman wasn't going to divulge her secrets to him any time soon. [color=white][i]"See you around, Shae. Don't be too rough on the lads."[/i][/color] he gave her a wave and walked down the street, intent on finding parts for his crawler. Sel'ket walked up to the bouncer, an ExHuman who had a lot more strengh in those cybernetics than they let on. The ExHuman saw her coming and stepped in the way. When he gave her a look only a man could give to a woman, he noticed the Scarab tattoo and quickly stepped aside. [color=white][i]"Welcome to Olympus, Scarab. Don't worry, I made sure nobody sat at your private booth."[/i][/color] Sel'ket didn't even regard the man, she just passed on through without breaking stride. The club was dark. Instead of white lights, the room was filled with colors ranging from purples to blues and teals. The music that night was slow and relaxing, but that was going to change once that famous artist started playing. People were everywhere, hanging out in their gaggles, drinking and laughing and flirting. There was a police officer pinning a man to the bar and searching him while his friends laughed. A woman was walking off into one of the back rooms with a man. Another woman that had definitely passed her limit with alcohol was on a table dancing slowly. Good ol' Olympus. Sel'ket had immediately spotted Zmeis at the bar, talking with another immortal that she hadn't recognized immediately. She was early so she didn't bother with getting his attention right away. Instead, Sel'ket just went to her empty booth and sat on the round seat furthest from the entrance into the booth. [color=white][i]"Sigil."[/i][/color] The spherical AI appeared in front of her on the tables central holo-display. There wasn't anything Sigil couldn't use to make a hologram out of. [color=mediumturquoise][i]"Yes, Scarab?"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"How many immortals have responded to the call?"[/b][/color] she asked, keeping her voice low. [color=mediumturquoise][i]"An impressive four!"[/i][/color] the sarcasm that the AI used made Sel'ket die a little inside.[/color]