[center][h3][color=MediumVioletRed]Victoria Winchester[/color] and [color=FireBrick]Kieran Croft[/color][/h3][/center] Veronica's disdain for the hyper brunette that insisted on intruding upon her beloved personal space was interrupted by the Sundancer named Theo's glowing orb addressing the rest of the group. Kieran was too busy admiring the walking, talking skeleton man that was with the group to pay attention, but Veronica was known for being quite attentive to detail. She listened in with a furrowed brow, turning to her own orb when the yellow orb spoke about the other shrines. "Four are needed to activate a shrine? I'm to assume this means we'll be splitting up eventually, correct?" The violet orb danced around Veronica, opening up into an interface that held her status and party information. [i][color=MediumVioletRed]You will know all this in time! No need to be so analytical over it. We have a plan.[/color][/i] Veromica wasn't happy with the answer, but she was satisfied with the interface that had been presented before her. It was a very detailed account of what she was capable of, which wasn't much at the time. Veronica stared up at the three moons while listening to the yellow orb inform them about how they would need to learn to survive in this world. The myriad lights from the three celestial bodies painted the landscape, causing Veronica to wonder just what they would encounter here in this world. Meanwhile Kieran's fascination with the skeleton person had subsided, and his orb quickly fluttered around him in the hopes of reclaiming it before he found something else to distract himself with. [color=FireBrick][i]If it pleases you, I would like you to take comfort in the fact that I will be by your side for this entire journey. Know that if there is any ever information you need I am willing and able to help most of the time![/i][/color] The soft, politeness of the voice was quite comforting in contrast to the brutal yelling that Veronica had dished out on him not ten minutes ago. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Kieran smiled, but before he could put in another word the yellow orb proclaimed the presence of their first enemy. Kieran drew his sword, a little disappointed that he had to start with a wooden training sword. [color=FireBrick][i]I deeply apologise. At the moment you are too inexperienced to wield a proper sword. With time, you will acquire better gear that will improve your status significantly.[/i][/color] The desire to test out his new strength was more prominent than anything else, so his expectations not being met wasn't a very big issue for him right now. Drawing the wooden sword, Kieran took a stance and charged in after the first mosquito after Gaius. The Shadow Vanguard was much quicker than Kieran, and would reach the target before him. Yet this didn't stop him from grinning with determination and raising his blade above his head with a battle cry. Veronica stood there and watched Kieran, annoyed at how he wasn't taking this seriously at all. Those monsters could kill them if they slipped up. Veronica had no weapon to fight with, but she wanted to do something to help. [i][color=MediumVioletRed]You can,[/color][/i] her orb spoke as if it read her mind, [i][color=MediumVioletRed]Your first spell, Storm Rose, has a guaranteed chance to slow down your target. Cast it now before Gaius, the one clad in shadows, reaches the beast. It will prevent the creature from dodging.[/color][/i] Veronica scanned the situation, watching the one named Gaius practically soar through shadows to approach the beast. Smiling with determination, Veronica spun around on one foot and raised her hands high above her head. A strange power flowed through her, yet at the same time she felt as though she knew how to wield it. A magic circle encrypted with various runes and the symbol of a red rose materialised above her. "Storm Rose!" Above the mosquito Gaius was charging, a similar magic circle appeared as thunder clouds rolled in from practically nowhere. The creature spotted the circle, but was too late to respond before a bolt of lightning with a violet hue surrounding it came crashing down upon it. The mosquito's legs buckled as it shook in pain. When the spell ended, rose petals floated gently around the creature to signify that they were being slowed by Veronica's magic. The mosquito would definitely be an easy target for Gaius and Kieran now. Before Veronica could celebrate, a third mosquito floated down from above to land behind her. Turning around, the young woman gasped in shock as the beast began charging up an attack. The little orb flew in front of her to offer more advice. [color=MediumVioletRed][i]You can stop this attack, girl! What are you doing?[/i][/color] Veronica stood there in shock, almost wincing in fear as the creature raised it's large limbs above her. [color=MediumVioletRed][i]The creature is charging up one of its unique attacks. Your second spell, Silence, interrupts these attacks and prevents them from being cast.[/i][/color] Upon hearing these words, a newfound confidence overcame Veronica as she realised she may have the upper hand in this battle. Holding her palm out in front of her, the same Magic Circle as before appeared. "Be Silent!" The creature staggered for a moment when struck by a blast of purple mist, however it continued to charge its attack. "What's going on?" Veronica's confidence faded quicker than it arrived, and the young woman staggered backwards and fell onto her back as the creature prepared to finish her. "He didn't stop his attack." [i][color=MediumVioletRed]Oh no! Dammit! You're not strong enough yet, so Silence isn't guaranteed to always work. This is bad![/color][/i] Veronica could hear the fear in her orb's voice. Could this already be the end for her? The creatures limbs came crashing down at an insane momentum in an attempt to impale the young girl. Veronica screamed, her body frozen in shock. Her scream probably would have caught the attention of the allies, if not for the blood curdling roar that shook the earth. In a single moment, a large green flash crashed into the creature as it was about to kill Veronica, sending it tumbling away from the young girl as the large, serpentine beast began to wrestle with the mosquito. "Are you alright?!" An unfamiliar, young voice called from behind Veronica. She sat there in the dirt, feeling the wind press against her skin. She was still alive. [center][h3][color=SeaGreen]Hatori Kokonoe and Jura[/color][/h3][/center] A young man with silver hair materialised into the empty shrine, the distance sounds of people chatting echoing through the mostly empty building. It was incoherent and distorted, coupled with the massive headache that Hatori had received when travelling to this new world. He stumbled for a while before keeling over and groaning in pain. Beside him, a sea green orb of light buzzed around frantically. [color=SeaGreen][i]We're already late enough as it is! You don't have time for this.[/i][/color] The orb floated quickly to every corner of the room, as if looking for something. [color=SeaGreen][i]Oh dear! Where has it gone? I thought it'd be here.[/i][/color] Hatori didn't even have the energy to ask what it is the orb was looking for. His stomach felt as if it were about to burst, and he couldn't shake this feeling of utter dread and loneliness from his mind. What was wrong? Was it a side effect of travelling across worlds? Somehow the answeer didn't feel that simple. Hatori's attention was brought to his new attire. Long, draping robes of white and pale green wrapped themselves elegantly around himself all the way to his ankles. His hair was covered in little beads and chimes that had been woven into them, dangling with an array of peaceful sounds every time he took a step. He held onto the wall for balance, making his way outside the temple for some fresh air. There were people talking, but he took no notice of them. He felt completely awful, and it took all of his energy to not break down and cry. His hands found their way to his belt, where the familiar touch of wood sent a shiver up his spine. He pulled the simple flute out from his side, staring at it in disbelief. He'd never seen this instrument in his life, nor did he know how to play it. Yet as he stared at it, he found himself tearing up. This was something very important to him, but he didn't know what. Pressing the flute to his lips, Hatori played a sad melody. The notes came to him as if he'd known them his entire life. The music sent a sensation through his body that made it ache with pain. He ceased at once, tucking the flute away to avoid causing himself any more pain. He began to slide down the temple wall, too overcome by pain and sorrow to bother introducing himself. Then, out of nowhere, the same song he had just played echoed through the tree tops. The notes were rough, and came out more as growls. A creature of some sort was making them. Hatori stood in disbelief, wondering what was capable of such a thing. Then, a large serpentine dragon rose out from the bushed of the forest and made its way to Hatori. His eyes widened; not out of fear, but of disbelief. It was all so simple. The reason he'd felt so empty, and why the flute had brought him sadness. "Jura!" Hatori proclaimed as the great dragon rose up on its stomach, standing at a good nine feet tall. Hatori couldn't even imagine how tall he'd be if he could stand directly upright. The creatures large green scales were smooth and shiny, and molten fire dripped from its massive jaws like saliva. It's piercing red eyes were oddly comforting to Hatori. Without a moments thought, Hatori opened his arms to embrace the creature. Jura complied, lowering his head down so that he may gently coil himself around his friend. Hatori and Jura had never met before, but they had a strong bond. It was like magic. [color=SeaGreen][i]You and Jura will grow powerful together with the bond you share. Be warned that it will not be easy. You will have to work twice as hard to reach your true powers, the both of you.[/i][/color] At that moment, power didn't matter to Hatori. He felt whole again, and his usual, cheerful self had finally returned. Yet he could not celebrate so easily, as the battle with large mosquitoes began. A girl who looked a few years older than Hatori was in danger, a colossal mosquito threatening to snuff her out, Without a moments thought, Hatori and Jura began charging directly at the beast. Jura made it just in time, colliding straight with it and beginning to fight with the beast in one large, tangled mess of serpent and mosquito. "Are you alright?" Hatori asked the girl, offering her a hand. She took it very quickly, and Hatori could still feel her shaking. "Th-Thank you. I would have been done for if you didn't show up." The girl looked absolutely pale. It worried Hatori. Perhaps she'd bitten off more than she could chew by joining this adventure.