The colossal mosquitoes came so quickly Saerena was still in mid sentence when she saw them. [color=ed1c24]"Sure, a party sounds-"[/color]. At the sound of buzzing Saerena glanced ahead to see a boy dressed in black running at the giant insects. At that Rosa was turned and preparing. Saerena drew her pistols, aiming at the approaching targets, and pulled the no avail. She backed up behind Rosa, who already had her bat in swinging position. Quickly, she asked her orb [color=ed1c24]"How do I use these?"[/color] The orange light responded [i][color=f7941d]Simple. Concentrate on the bullet. Not quite what you are used to, but you will figure it out.[/color][/i] [color=ed1c24]"Magnetism, then."[/color] Saerena watched as two targets began circling Rosa, and now Lance, in a wide flanking maneuver, waiting for an opening. She called to Rosa, [color=ed1c24]"A party would be wonderful"[/color] as she focused on the bullet in her right pistol willing it forward. Suddenly the pistol kicked back, almost out of Saerena's hand, and the projectile went forward. The air around the gun crackled, electricity arcing out in random patterns. The nearest mosquito flanking Rosa was hit center mass, knocking it out of the air and sending it to the ground. Saerena took another six shots as it rose again, knocking it away but not doing lethal damage. By that time the second flanking mosquito had positioned itself between Rosa and Lance, and Saerena. [color=f26522][i]Imagine the path of the bullet. It will act as you command.[/i][/color] Saerena envisioned the bullet curving, aimed directly at Rosa, and 'fired'. The bullet curved, moving in a semi-circle to the mosquito, connecting, and knocking it away just before it struck. Saerena was aware of battle raging around her. The skeletal figure launched a fireball at a nearby mosquito. Lance and Rosa had finished impaling a mosquito, then killing it through the magic of blunt trauma. The first man she saw, the one in all-white, had drawn his sword and had it knocked from his hands. Saerena instinctively dropped the goggles resting on her head over her eyes. The built-in rangefinder quickly estimated the energy needed to accurately hit the target, acting as an electromagnet and pulling the estimated energy from Saerena. She tried to turn this into a specific concentration of energy, slaking the electric pull and directing an equal amount into her hands. The bullets launched, following a straight path until gravity began to outweigh the magnetic range of Saerena's field. Although the bullet didn't connect, it did get the attention of the mosquito. Saerena fired a few more shots before turning to deal with another wave of mosquitos, leaving the man to fend for himself.