Lisa had to run before she could get to her horse and with a swift jump she got on and followed to guys. Even though she was a little behind, she managed to get next to them in no time. ''I am sorry for causing trouble... But we do have horses now'' she said. ''And you stole them!'' one of the Hermes brothers said. Lisa glared at him. ''Shut up'' she said and then drove a little faster to get next to Disiky. Once they where at the cabin she jumped of her horse and looked around. ''Where can we place them? We are going to need them more often probably'' she said. She then 'marked' the horse that she had been riding with a little heart on his shoulder, using her magic, the horse now would only listen to her. She followed the guys into the cabin and saw how huge it was from the inside. ''It's almost like a temple in here..'' she said and looked around. She saw a few of her cousins from the sea and she ran up to them. They got up and the girls hugged each other while Poseidon's two sons gave her a hand. ''Good to see you Lisa'' Chad, Poseidon's oldest, said. ''Good to see you too.. All of you'' she said and smiled. Chad and Lisa had kinda been growing up together when Lisa was still living in the small temple of her mother near the sea. He had learned her that she was the one with the powers and she accidentally had hit him a few times with her 'Orb of Love'. ''Did you train on the Siren Song?'' Daisy, Poseidon's first daughter, asked. ''No.. I can't train, my mother álways made sure that my maidens where men.. And I do not wanna be like her'' Lisa said. ''I understand but it could be really powerful for you and if they cover their ears, it won't harm them'' Daisy said. Lisa looked up at Disiky and the Hermes brothers. ''Well.. Maybe later then'' she said. ''First we need to know who we are going to rescue first and how safe are we here? The gods know where to find their children at all times.. I can know it because I've had some pretty nice argument's with my mother about swimming with my cousins'' she said.