[centre][color=000000][color=a36209][h2]The Mikassian Tribes[/h2][/color][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cd8NC2t.jpg[/img][/centre] Meatopia, June 5th, 1836 Upon his return War Chief Chatan was welcomed home with a great celebration of his victory in pushing back the ebbing tide of the southern desert tribes, slaying their leader and completely demoralizing the remaining forces, his renown as a mighty warrior spreading as fire does in this season. These hearty celebrations have now all but died down, Chatan sits in the council chamber, surrounded by his closest and most loyal friends. "Our scouts report a large chunk of the Tangled Isle has been taken. An Old World nation under a burning tree and a sea of red ha taken residence there, Chief." Rugha Windspeed spoke quickly and to the point, waving his hand over the map that lay before them all, pointing to the Tangled Isles western shore. "Too many allies cannot benefit us Chatan, we must drive at least one of these foreign forces back. Back to their own lands." Zass spoke openly, being Chatan's oldest friend. His tongue was sharp and occasionally hurtful, but he spoke only the truth in Chatan's presence. Leaning back into the furs of his chair, Chatan brought his hands up to his face and brushed away any devilish thoughts that may have been ready to pounce upon his unsuspecting mouth. Happy with the lack of bad influence and with the feedback from his loyals, he spoke. "Amass a war party Zass, strong enough to combat and defeat these men with ease. Send the trident ships along the narrow pass and ferry them across, set up a camp and await my messengers. Stay hidden and do not disturb a single grass blade until you have your orders." Zass nodded in confirmation, bowing his feathered head as he retreated from the room to gather his riders. Turning to Rugha, Chatan placed his hand upon the map, over the red mountains in the west of the Makasi lands. "If we are to wage war upon a foe, it will be with our best axe and our sharpest arrows. Reform your personal scouts and take some stone cutters from the southern tribes. I need you to find and begin construction on mines and excavation sites for metal we can use. Go, go!" Chatan rolled up the map and pressed it into Rugha's chest, pushing him from the room. "The rest of you should ready your men for war, increase training. we outnumber the enemy vastly in full force, but I want to use as few men as I can to crush these peoples." With this last statement the rest of the war council left the chamber and Chatan was left alone, he began scrawling a message for the burning tree men on a stretched hide panel, this would be sent and translated immediately. [hr] Troops move across the northern sea pass and camp awaiting orders. Relations with natives are neutral and so the men should tread lightly. They will be ferried across on three third rate ships. Mustering for war: 1 point spent on training. Searching for ore, metal, anything useful to the war effort should one come. [hr] Message for the burning tree (Nehalia?): [hider=Message] [i]Durit roe hakka vur tulla yor . cullduro Par surret vur rag. wenta wont serti luh. Chatan, Var Cheif, Mikaisian Drut.[/i] [b]Burning tree, this message comes as you are at our doorstep. We would speak with you, refuse and blood shall be shed. Chatan, War chief, Mikassian Tribes.[/b] [/hider]