Name: Aulfr of House Volsung (Otherwise known as "Aulfr Volsung") Age: 23 The son of Oberjarl Efraim Volsung, the current elected leader of all five of Noxus's five jarldoms. Direct heir, and the only son of Efraim, Aulfr is a common and important face around Askitorp, or the "Ash Town." During the training of the next generation of the Noxus chilluns, starting at age 8, Aulfr quickly excelled, both because he was part of the Volsung family, known for appearing 'weaker,' than the other jarls and warriors, because they're generally look more foreign than the usual hulking Noxun warrior, but they're almost as strong, and twice as fast and cunning. Aulfr has a reputation- people he's been in a fight with generally don't get up in the same day, or within the same three days. People tread lightly around Aulfr. [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider]