[b]Garie - Yellow Flag[/b] Gari would have shrugged as she watched Jake go, if she could muster the lack of caring necessary for it. As it stood, she merely shifted to the side as he left. "What's his problem," she muttered to herself indifferently. She wanted to escape too, that was for sure, but for that she needed magical, alchemical assistance. Some space cowboy wasn't going to be able to help with that, especially if he couldn't muster a single motivation for them working together beyond 'because we're in the same situation.' That said, she turned to listen to the explanation as it was given. Well then, someone who wanted to kill a nigh omnipotent being? That was a goal that Garie could get along with, and one that she knew Carol could approve of. It was secondary to getting out of here, of course, but she wouldn't be above lending a hand when the time came. And shortly thereafter there was an appearance from the mysterious figure in person. Garie frowned, unimpressed by the sight that she was greeted to, the humanoid figure with a legitimate question mark on his face. Hmph, Carol was more impressive. Especially hen she was going all out. Well, for now there was nothing to be done about it. She would play along, and wait for her opportunity to act, and take advantage of whatever situation arose. So, she rested in the bar a few moments longer before heading out into the city. She needed shelter, and the memories she had gotten would provide that. And if the relevant people complained, well, she could deal with that. All in all, this would be simple.