Antoinette awoke to the sound of glass shattering. Bleary-eyed, she rose from her bed and noticed with mild irritation that she'd been too exhausted the night prior to even bother getting out of her clothes. Her irritation was short-lived as voices - loud, angry voices - filtered in through the door and thin walls. [i]Oh no, not again.[/i] She rubbed her face, trying to fully wake herself up as she moved to the dresser and pick out her clothes for the day. She busied herself with deciding which jacket she'd wear with her tank top - the black one or the grey one - but she knew it didn't really matter either way. She was just buying herself some time, and allowing Iris to dole out her frustration on Owen. The voices outside her door dulled into a murmur, and Ant took that as her cue to make her presence known. She exited her room, eyes falling on the broken pieces of glass on the living room floor before she glanced up to meet Iris' gaze. She waved her greetings to the twins, noticing not for the first time that Owen had chosen to sit petulantly on the couch and look everywhere but the two girls he shared the apartment with, and headed to the kitchen to grab herself a cup of coffee. Caffeinated, Ant returned to the living room to find Owen sweeping up the glass with Iris nowhere in sight. Ant couldn't help but ask, [b]"What did you do this time?"[/b] to which the answer was a "What didn't I do?" and a sheepish shrug. Ant wanted to smack him in the back of his head, but restrained herself. As much as she hated seeing them like this, she knew she had no right. She was by no means better than Owen. She'd had to sweep up her fair share of glass every now and then. Instead, she sighed and grabbed the guitar case lounging against the wall. [b]"She'll forgive you,"[/b] was said in lieu of a goodbye. The sun was out and was on a rampage. Even behind her dark sunglasses, Ant still felt nearly blinded by the sun. Or maybe that was just a result of her hangover. She fixed the guitar case's position on her back as she pulled herself up the covered dumpster. A quick sweep around informed her that no one was around, and she made the jump over the wall. Perdido Beach School was still a place she loathed simply because of the rivalry that festered between them and Coates Academy. Sure, she'd been sent there without her consent, but she still loved the friends she'd made in that school. Misfits often found misfits. She ducked into the school's bleachers. The two she'd texted before were already there and, by the smell of the air around them, were completely baked. Ant's lips pursed in thought. A second later, she'd fished her phone out of her pocket but the screen was black. Odd. She'd try later. She settled next to them and pulled out her guitar. Sure, they were high as kites, but they made great music and James had an amazing voice. They finished up another song, and Ant settled the guitar down. They weren't much conversationalists, and even the words they sang out began to lose much of their meaning. And she was starting to get a weird vibe. She didn't know what, but it felt like she shouldn't be there. Was someone going to catch them? She stood and made a move to leave. [b]"Look guys, great session and all, but I gotta-"[/b] They were gone, just like that. One second James was laughing about something Ant couldn't see, the next he was gone. Ant looked around, dreading the sudden stillness in the air. [b]"What the..."[/b] She grabbed her guitar and walked out of the bleachers, daring to peak into the school. No one sat behind the desks in the administrative office. A phone even hang by its cord against the wall. Ant felt a shiver run down her spine. [i]What is going on?[/i]