[hider=Amelia Johnston/Dionysus][center][h1] [color=Lightblue][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amelia%20Scarlet%20Johnston&name=Garton.ttf&size=100&style_color=05C7F7[/img] Daughter of Dionysus[/color][/h1] [IMG]https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/giphy1.gif?w=500&h=281[/IMG] [i]"Wine and Chesse are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and Moon, or good people and noble ventures."[/i] -[b]M. F.K. Fisher[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=Lightblue][u]Name:[/u][/color] Amelia Scarlet Johnston [color=Lightblue][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Lia or Scar. But those that don't know her call her Amelia [color=Lightblue][u]Birth Date: [/u] [/color] 17th July 1993 [color=Lightblue][u]Age:[/u][/color] 22 Years Old [color=Lightblue][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Female [color=Lightblue][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] She's Straight [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=Silver][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Amelia has a slim and feminine figure standing at 5'9ft; with green eyes and naturally blonde hair. Even though, Amelia has blonde hair she does change her hair color every now and again; going for darker shades of brown or black. She wears her hair in a variety of hair-styles, but does not like to have her hair cut short. Her skin is lightly tanned and seems flawless, free of blemishes and scars. Amelia only has two tattoos located on her body; One is of a phoenix located at the back of her neck, whilst the second one is a triquatra on her right ankle. There is no hidden message behind each of the tattoos, it's just simply something she liked when picking out different designs. Even though Amelia is precievied to be beautiful; her beauty is not well known or talked about like the Daughters of Apollo, Aphrodite and Zeus is. Her looks are not those traced back to her father...but those of her mortal mother. [hider=Her tattoos] The Phoenix on the back of her neck: [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41GjbS4fynL.jpg[/img] The One located on her right ankle: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/d1/1e/2bd11e694d0cadedabc41edf72c785b0.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=Silver][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Amelia can be seen wearing a variety of jeans and tank-tops. With her slim figure; skinny jeans show off her slender legs and accent her features. She's not the most girly type girl in the academy, so she does not wear dresses and skirts often. It is rare for her to be seen dressed that way. Amelia wears comfortable shoes or trainers, on occasions wearing boots of flip-flops dependent on the seasonal weathers. When she's out home or feeling bit lazy; she tends to dress a bit more casually with leggings and t-shirts. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=Silver][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*] Wine [*] Festivals of any kind [*] Different Fruit and Vegetables [*] Music [*] Dancing [*] People who like similar things to her [/list] [color=Black][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*] Death/Disease [*] Rotting food [*] Violence [*] Arrogance [*] The Underworld[/list] [color=Black][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*] Getting over-looked and not accepted by her father [*] Getting trapped in the Underworld [*] Driven into madness like her godly father[/list] [color=Lightblue][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*] Humming to herself [*] Clapping when she's over enthusiastic [*] Tapping her foot/nodding her head in beat to music[/list] [color=Lightblue][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Adventurous ♦ Compassionate ♦ Bit Flirtatious ♦ Light-hearted[/u][/center] Ever since she was little, Amelia liked to explore and see new things. She always enjoyed the thrill of the rush and secrecy of things if she couldn't go somewhere. If something is forbidden it makes her want to know about all the more. She has been known to talk people into going along with her adventurous plans, exploring the world with her. Just like her father, she can be light-hearted and help out people in need; even if they do not ask for help. Her compassion allows her to follow through with what is right and what is wrong; even if her curiosity makes her break some rules from from time to time. Like some offspring of the Olympians, she can be rather flirty. However, if she likes someone she would not pursue other romantic feelings towards another person like some. [color=Lightblue][u]Background:[/u][/color] Amelia grew up in a troubled-house hold. Her mother was barely home and worked as a prostitute to try and earn some living to pay the bills and to provide a home for herself and Amelia. The young Demi-Goddess didn't know much about her 'real' father for most of her life. She just knew, that he left before she was born and hadn't seen her mother or her since he had gotten the news of her mother being pregnant. When Amelia was older; her mother was with another man; a foreigner who barely spoke English, and had an alcohol problem. Amelia didn't take a liking to him, no matter how hard she tried. She had been given the short end of the stick and took blame for anything that went wrong in the house; which caused her step-father to yell at her, whilst her mother took the beatings for Amelia. When Amelia was 15 years old; she run away from Home wondering the city and living on the streets for a while until she got to her friend's house for the summer. That is when, she met her 'real' father who decided to pop into her life out of nowhere and drop a bombshell on her; she was the daughter of an Olympian God. Dionysus didn't seem to be particularly happy to see her, as he wanted a son not a daughter. His almost dis-like to her and lack of information made Amelia confused and she felt conflicted. It was only when she got to Olympus Academy that she started to figure herself out a little bit more; only having seen her father another time after that. She doesn't like being over-looked and being ignored by the one parent she has left...she needs his help and advice, but it's not something she's getting. Having been at the academy for a few years now; Amelia knows most people that are there and she prefers to make friends...not enemies. [color=Lightblue][u]Extra:[/u][/color]My favorite Goddess is Athena. Favorite God is Poseidon[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=Green][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Dionysus, God of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity. [color=Green][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] [Center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33100000/Jack-GIF-captain-jack-sparrow-33122512-495-193.gif[/img] [/Center] Amelia doesn't exactly have the best relationship with her father. They have only seen each other once or twice since she found out about being a Demi-Goddess and was accepted at Olympus Academy. She feels confused and not accepted by Dionysus; it feels like she's a stranger to him and not his daughter. She wishes he would treat her a bit better, and that he would be there for her when she needs him. [color=Green][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] [b]Control over production of vegetations:[/b]. Her powers help vegetations grow and thrive properly. If something is diseased or not developing well, her powers help save it and form in the way's it's meant to. Her powers also affect the growth of vines. [b]Shape-shifting:[/b] Just like her father, she has the ability to change appearance. She can look like anyone, or take a form of an object or animal she desires. When shape-shifting, she doesn't stick with one particular form for long; she likes to experiment and change it a lot. It comes in handy when she wants to trick someone and escape so people don't follow her around. [b]Super-natural strength;[/b] Just like most off-springs of the Olympians, she has an enhanced strength. Anger tends to make her strength a bit more potent, but Amelia does not get angry often; it's rare to see her angry and display full force of strength after her father. [/hider]