Sighing quietly into the freezing still night, the solemn soldier stared blankly into the vast void of the desert; fighting off the will to crawl back into the tent and sleep, all the while swatting at the swarms of mosquitoes that roam the expanse. The stilled tumbling and snoring of his slumbering squadmates are all that keeps him company while he takes his turn as lookout for their patrol. Gazing, Mikkel notices a formation in the night sky he hadn't noticed before, a distant purple star. [i]Didn't realize stars came across as anything but white[/i] he passingly thought. [i]Maybe it's not a star, Neptune or something. Probably more going on there then this godforsaken, pointless patrol. Lets sit here and make sure nobody plants a bomb here for 2 bloody days! At least I don't have to deal with overhead...[/i] Hairs standing on the back of his neck, the sudden realization that Mikkel is not the only being awake at the moment dawns on him. He turns his head to see a spherical ball of purple light, floating above him. [color=mediumpurple][center][i]Traveling the world, protecting your loved ones, serving your country! Quite the glamorous life your living, isn't it? [/i][/center][/color] Almost as if under a spell, Mikkel responds apathetically to what should be an alarming situation, conversing with the orb as if it was an old friend. "What, are you the mental manifestation of my insecurities and regrets?" [color=mediumpurple][center][i]Not quite. But I have been observing your daily routines, how you interact with others, the methods you employ to resolve conflict. And you've turned out to be quite the interesting individual.[/i][/center][/color] "Ah, so you're just a bonafide stalker, got it" Mikkel replies dryly. The orb seems to make a chuckling motion, bobbing up and down. [color=mediumpurple][center][i]Oh, but I'm much more then just that. I can offer you fulfillment, purpose; Much like what you're trying to achieve here.[/i][/center][/color] Mikkel's interest is piqued, if not feeling somewhat insulted, he motions the orb to continue. [color=mediumpurple][center][i]My world is in need of help, and I can offer the means for you to do so. Anything you can imagine yourself being I replicate. Well, when I say anything, anything in moderation; my powers have limits unfortunately. But that power you can attain for yourself, forcing it from the hands of the powers that would destroy my world.[/i][/center][/color] Musing it over quietly, Mikkel stares at the ground [i]How far am I willing to believe this thing, hell even believe that whats happening isn't some figment! What about my squad, would I abandon them for my own desire? I swore an oath to give everything I could to them and my country[/i] He furrows his brows, eventually concluding his decision. "These beings that are ruining your world, are they as magical as you?" [color=mediumpurple][center][i]And far more powerful. That is why I need you.[/i][/center][/color] "Then I want to wield both power over the elements and the blade. To be able to adapt and change at will, so that I can be sure to overcome whatever's in my path." Mikkel promptly responds. [color=mediumpurple][center][i]Interesting... What would you name this profession?[/i][/center][/color] The name beckons to him as if he already knew the answer "Spell Fencer" [color=mediumpurple][center][i]Good, then that is all that I needed to hear[/i][/center][/color] Just as quickly as he raises himself in discern, Mikkel collapses to his knees as he feels himself pulled away. [hr] This was a state of shakiness unlike anything he had experienced while enlisted. Not even the harshest of consequences served by a drill sergeant compared to this. One Knee to the ground and covered in sweat, Mikkel stands up feeling relieved of weight. Glancing down Mikkel realizes that he is no longer wearing his field gear; he is clad in cloth and steel. Greaves, cuirass and gauntlets all shine in the light emanated from the floating orb. "[color=mediumpurple][center][i]Hope you start feeling better really soon, the conflict has already started. And I tried to speed things up for you.[/i][/center][/color]" Surroundings coming to mind, Mikkel heard the roars of beasts and sound of gunfire as screams raged beyond the door. Instinctively he grabs the sword at his side and draws it to his side, getting a feel for the weight of the bastard sword. The wavy blade glows the same purple hue of his companion, radiating a small amount of magic. "So I've got my blade, do I just use it? How do I even use it?" "[color=mediumpurple][center][i]Being a floating orb of magic, I have imprinted the knowledge and ability to wield the sword, and the magic to go with it. You can use Enchant to empower your sword with the element of your choice. Your choice of Fire, Water and Lightning.[/i][/center][/color]" Mikkel stares at his sword intently while motioning his hand over his sword. Flames burst out around the blade, heat emiting from the source. "[color=mediumpurple][i]See, you're a natural, now let's get to the thick of things![/i][/color] The Orb rushes forth beyond the door, with Mikkel in tandem. Taking an eyeful, Mikkel couldn't help but pause before he rushed into battle. Before him laid the mania of battle between a dragon, ninja, gunslinger, even a robed skeleton, and a horde of mosquitoes all spurred in combat. "Fandens også..." Mikkel cursed in his native tongue. His disbelief at the scene before him acted against his intentions to enter the bloodshed, but the duty he had sworn with The Orb pushed him onward to the fight. Observing the battle, he noted the amount of attention The Gunslinger had brought to herself as she skillfully dispatched the oversized mosquitoes. Making the decision to draw some of the heat away from her, Mikkel engages the mosquito while raising the searing sword over his shoulders, slashing horizontally in an attempt to dismember the leg. Attention drawn to the blazing light, the mosquito displayed its intelligence, skillfully avoiding the swing while riposting with its mouth in turn. As if the sword was an extension of himself, Mikkel's sword raised in defense of himself as the mandibles at the end of the protruding mouth stabs at him, coming into contact and scorching itself. The mosquito convulsed in fear as Mikkel's blood rushed as he took his chance to strike. Adrenaline pumping, Mikkel hacked away at the grotesque mouth slicing mandibles and all, leaving a cauterized wound where its appendage used to be. Tasting the blood of the mosquito only served to fuel the sword as it burned brighter and longer, power rippling through his body. Mikkel could feel himself on a high, struggling to keep himself composed as he readied himself for the onslaught.