[h1]Donkey Kong[/h1] [hr] As the static and void burst into view outside of the train cars, Donkey Kong lumbered out and peered at the rift-screen. He listened intently to the omnipotent Viewer's explanation, growing angrier with each word, his shoulders heaving at a higher frequency for every second he listened to his adversary's babbling. DK didn't like his diction. "Survive?" That implied that people were going to die. Donkey Kong nearly threw up his bananas at the thought. He pounded his fist into his palm. Ooh, that ?-fellow was in for a walloping; DK would pound him like an item block as soon as he got the chance. He would ram his meaty gorilla fist right up the Viewer's-- [h1]Dizzy[/h1] [hr] "Wow! It's like we're on TV!" Dizzy cheered, spinning around on her hind wheels. "Brilliant! I have lots of talents!" Dizzy leaned back and picked up three smooth stones, juggling them between her wheels like balls. Her eyes followed their path, swirling around and around and around, before she deftly tossed each one into her drum. THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! "I'm always up for games!" Dizzy rambled. "Oh, I do hope there is checkers!" Dizzy continued to rattle off fun board games, seemingly oblivious to the apparent danger that the characters were in. "Maybe there'll be card games as well!" Dizzy quipped.