[@Eklispe] [hider=Meruin Hazy's Exam] Meruin looked up from her euphoria induced gaze, only now did she truly realize that this was her exam, and should she fail it, her standing at the academy would decrease - personally, Meruin cared little for that, however, she was here on Master Reina's recommendation, moreover, she was carrying her name as her disciple. To be anything less than exemplary would be an unforgivable transgression on her masters name. [i]"In light of that, it's time I begin this trial in earnest."[/i] As the boulder rapidly approached Meruin, the small mage began chanting under her breath. [i]Reinforce[/i]-[i]Triad Force[/i]-[i]Upwards Force[/i]-[i]Triple Barrier[/i]-[i]Duplex Barrier[/i]-[i]Elemental Alliance[/i] Intoning one spell after another, the boulder was just about to smash into Meruin when her small hands lifted upwards, touching it as it fell. As soon as her hands touched it, it latched on and both the boulder and Meruin beneath it shot upwards, going the same way it came. Around the boulder itself were several barriers which, in addition to its massive size and durability, aided Meruin in shielding herself against any more incoming debris, and even a few lightning bolts. Meruin was approaching the top of the plateau, and should nothing hinder her, she arrive there soon. [/hider] [hr] [@xXSINXx] [hider=Ava Rayne's Exam] The babble of voices that came from the pixies died down as Ava reached the top. As soon as she closed it, the Pixies all began shouting in unison, their voices expressing outrage and disbelief. Once the hole was closed, the noise died down. Unfortunately for Ava, that was not to be the end of it. Underneath the enclosure, the Pixies began pushing and pushing, the strength of the thousands of small creatures rapidly inching away the blockade of stone. Even worse, was that underneath it, as the Pixies underneath it poured energy into moving the stone out, their bodies, seemingly responding to their fervor, began lighting up in flames. Flames licked out of the small crevices that the stone could not cover, and the stone itself began heating up quickly. Ava was now in a completely enclosed area. There were no other exits other than the one she came through, and certainly no other holes either. The chamber she was currently trapped in had pillars made of stalagmite so tall they reached the roof of the old cavern. [/hider] [hr] [@MagusDream] [hider=Agni "Flare" Blackheart] There was no one who answered Agni's accusations, no sudden vision or voice that provided redoubtable proof that the Cruz Meister in front of him was indeed the one that was described; the future ruler of the Technomages, and then, the World. A murderer and yet a hero; someone who Agni could not possible allow exist - but that was also a question of [i]which[/i] Agni could not allow his existence. Whatever the case may be, the voice did not respond to Agni. It might have been better, had it done so. Crus Magus groggily shook his head, as if the boy had awoken from a long slumber. The drowsy boy staggered in place as he tried to gain his footing. As soon as consciousness came about, he looked around . . . [color=00a651]"Where am I? What happe-!"[/color] . . . and his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of Agni standing before him. [color=00a651]"Agni!"[/color] he hissed. The boy drew backwards, his empty hands spreading to his sides and gripping the air tightly as energy coalesced around them. [color=00a651]"So you're responsible for this!"[/color] At once, a pair of armaments assembled on his hands. The pistols he now gripped in both hands were large blasters, bigger than usual. Both were cobalt blue and on the side of each pistol was engraved, using precise machine branding: [i]Life Hacker[/i]. [color=00a651]"Me and father had wondered where you had gone. We theorized that the death of your father had driven you and the rest of your family into hiding, but mother insisted that there was no way you were that weak-willed; I suppose it was our fault for not believing her,"[/color] he said seriously, leveling his guns towards Agni. [color=00a651]"It seems you've somehow managed to abduct me from the Fortress. Whatever method you used, I will admit that it was brilliant, given that it had come without any warning and somehow bypassed our defensive enchantments and systems. Still, don't think that you'll find me an easy opponent!"[/color] Cruz fired his pistols, and a waves of blue shot forward in wide arcs. The areas that it touched changed in form, suddenly looking less real, and more akin to data on a computer. This was the effect of the "Life Hacker" pistols - weapons that, asides from being a conduit for Technomages to cast spells, were capable of altering landscape to one that suited a Technomages needs. [i][color=39b54a]"If you insist on standing in the way of the revival of my people's greatness, then by all means Agni, let's end this!" [/color][/i] Cruz once more leveled the gun, and this time, a necklace he was wearing began creating the calculations needed for his next spell. [/hider] [hr] [@The ghost in black] [hider=Aleksandra "Hound" Galino's Exam] The Golden Titan barreled unrelentingly towards Aleksandra. The Silver Titan had risen to its full height and seemed to realize that there was an intruder on their duel. It's metal face twisted in anger, and a hollow, reverberating cry echoed through the stadium. Both of them reached Aleksandra at the same time, and the Golden Titan's arm shot forward to grab her. Even as it Aleksanrda's flames grew brighter, the Golden Titan didn't seem the least bit bothered by it, even though there were signs of its hand slightly distorting from the heat.[/hider] [hr] [@WittyWolf] [hider=Azrael Arcana's Exam] The Golem wordlessly answered Azrael's charge with it's own, it's gorilla like arms shoving it forward at surprising speed. Upon seeing Azrael gather stone and earth around him, however, the Golem suddenly slowed its charge, before stopping completely. It shivered in place slightly, then, a suddenly as it stopped, it shot forward again. As it did, the strange black metal that had made up its body broke apart, and revealed a huge body of water underneath. What was once a golem shaped like a gorilla had now become a serpent made of rapidly gushing water. It moved faster than it did before, and in a split second, was about to ram into Azrael, and given the distance and the speed they were both going, it was unlikely that he could dodge. [/hider] [hr] [@Zetsuko] [hider=Kieran Altaaya's Exam] [color=fff79a]"I'll have you know that there's only one being in this whole room that has the ability to open this door."[/color] Fo was staring with mild interest at Kieran. Whether this was because of his blase attitude to the creatures around him, or the way he went about the task of opening the door, she didn't say. In any case, the small fairy fluttered off of the door knob and gestured around her. [color=fff79a]"This room was designed with the simple concept of 'lock' and 'key'; somewhere out there, is the key. There, a hint - now all you have to do is find it!"[/color] she explained cheerily. [/hider] [hr] [@Aisling] [hider=Agatha Merriweather Pendragon's Exam] Din looked on impassively as Agatha slowly drifted off into a weak slumber. The Copper Man looked up at the gear covered sky and spoke; [i][color=a36209]"Don't patronize yourself, Miss Pendragon. You are far from being beautiful in my eyes - steel that rusts before its time without nary an effort to fight the decay is unnatural, ugly. Death is lovely because of the struggle it pulls from life. Be glad that the gauntlet prevents you from dying permanently, else I truly would have let one such as you rot."[/color][/i] Rising to his feet, Din walked towards Agatha, his body making strange, hollow clanking sounds with each step. As soon as he got close to the girl, Din dug his foot into Agatha's stomach with a light shove - enough for pain to register. [i][color=a36209]"Get up. The test isn't over. You said 'you have to have the opposite of something to enjoy something'; prove it to me, then. Show me I can enjoy decay with life as well."[/color][/i] [/hider]