As the hood of the cloak fell off it revealed a very calm faced white wolf. Only she was standing as if it were human, not how she had looked before. She had long fluffy black and red hair like any normal human but instead of skin she still had snow white fur. The white wolf sighed before stepping back away from Alex and tilting her head. “My name is Yang, I am a creation of the game and I’m helping you because I am tired of seeing players come in and die from unfairness. The game maker is not one for even playing fields and many times he will kill off players just because he can.” Yang shifted from one paw to the next before glancing at Sydney and the others near the chest. “These swords were made for you to find if you had a keen eye. I have yet to see someone actually find the chest on their own since the first attack is made to disorient the players and send them running for the nearest exit. I cannot promise you I will be able to help you this much again since I’m sure Jigsaw will be keeping an eye on me. Just remember young players, keep your eyes open and understand that not everything is what it seems.” With those last words Yang turned and disappeared back into the shadows, pulling her hood back over her head. She needed to make as much distance between her and the players as she could before Jigsaw seen her, god knows what punishment she and the players might receive. She was glad that she could lead the players to the chest but she knew that with those weapons Jigsaw would make the monsters even harder. “Please let them at least clear the forest.” She signed before transforming back into a full wolf and taking off in a run. Sydney stood up and tucked the sword into the provided sheath. “Well that was a little weird.” She said as she turned to the rest of the group, most of who probably had the same thoughts she did. “I guess we should get a move on, since I’m sure the game maker won’t be quiet for long.” She let out a half hearted laugh but shook herself before starting off toward the path. It wasn’t long before the group exited the dark woods and found themselves in a large open desert area with nothing but sand in sight. “Oh, this is lovely, very welcoming.” Sydney mumbled as she stepped out onto the warm sand and as if something had flicked on a light switch, the sun brightened and started to beat down on them. It wasn’t long before the group began to sweat and started to grumble and moan as they trekked through the deep sand. “This is horrible.” Sydney groaned as she shook her leg once more to try and clear out sand. All of a sudden the ground began to shake and Sydney staggered forward. “What the hell?” She growled and as she looked around, creatures began to emerge from the sand. They were black creatures that looked like a mix between a porcupine and a rodent of some sort. Their faces were opened like flowers with yellow and green highlights down each side. As they pulled themselves from the sand their bodies shook and huge spikes shot out of their back, each tipped with yellow. Sydney looked around and couldn’t even count the number of the creatures that had appeared before them. “Well shit.” Sydney growled as she pulled out her sword and widened her stance. “Guess it’s time for a fight.” The creatures, known as Quinox, hissed and bared their sharp fanged teeth before lunging forward at the group. Sydney dodged to the side just in time as one of the sharp quills flew past her face. She swung her sword and caught a few of them but the Quinox only seemed to shake it off. She narrowed her eyes and turned to try and see the rest of the group and how they were doing. From her view point the only person she could see clearly was Press who was slashing his sword back and forth in front of the face of one of the creatures. It was hissing and spitting at him and before long it finally lunged and crunched down on the sword. Press staggered backwards and lost his footing, Sydney jolted forward to go help but before she could even take a step the creature had landed on top of him and began to tear into him with sharp claws. Press screamed and cried out in pain but was quickly silenced with one last deep blow from the Quinox. Sydney was horrified and didn’t notice that a Quinox was running right at her. She was slammed to the ground by the impact and felt the breathe leave her lungs. She looked up to see large black empty eyes staring down at her. She felt herself pale and waited for the impact that never came. She opened her eyes to see the Quinox dead on the ground and a sword lodged into its skull. Nathan looked down at her and smiled before giving her a hand up. Sydney thanked him and went to go say something else but was interrupted by a sharp scream. “MIA!” Nathan shouted to her twin but as he turned he watched a Quinox snap it’s teeth down on her arm. Terrified for his twin’s life he took off toward her but just as he reached her the Quinox pulled her under the sand, kicking and screaming the whole way. “NO!” Nathan shouted as he dropped to his knees and began digging into the sand. “Nathan stop, it’s no use!” Sydney said as she reached his side. “She can’t die!” His face was already flowing with tears and there was nothing Sydney could say or do to help the older twin. She lightly touched his shoulder before rushing off into battle to high the rest of her friends. It wasn’t long before she heard Nathan’s voice once more crying out before being cut off. He was lost, he was broken and he had been an easy target for the attacking creatures. She closed her eyes only for a brief moment before slashing her sword down through a Quinox’s skull, killing it. She continued to do this until Simon came into sight. He seemed to be growing tired of the battle and she noticed his swings were getting a bit slow. The Quinox he was fighting on the other hand was not slowing down, it kept lunging out at him with claws and teeth. Sydney ran over and stopped by his side, immediately swinging her sword at the creatures’s face. “Thanks.” Simon said, panting for breathe as Sydney nodded at him and took the creature down. Taking a moment to breathe Sydney turned to face Simon and frowned. “There are so many, I hope we can take them all.” She panted, Simon nodded and sighed. Suddenly his eyes shot open and his face paled. “Sydney watch out behind you!” Sydney spun on her heels and let out a scream as one of the Quinox charged toward her. Simon wasted no time as he scooped Sydney and threw her sideways out of the path of the angry creature. Just as he was about to jump out of the way the creature lunged and blood flew through the air. Sydney screamed as she watched Simon get pierced over and over by the quills of the creature. Blood splattered the ground as each point pushed it’s way through his body and out the other side. By this point he was already dead, Sydney was pretty sure the first strike had killed him and for that she was thankful he didn’t have to suffer the rest of the strikes. She finally got her brain working against just in time for the creature to turn around and for her to behead it. Her friends continued to fight until finally they killed the last of them. Sydney staggered over to her group of friends and collapsed on the ground, feeling tears sting her eyes. “Guys we lost 4 people, they were actually killed. Press, Mia, Nathan and Simon are actually dead and this is supposed to be a game.” The tears began to run down her face. “This is sick, this isn’t fun anymore.” She sobbed. Usually she hated crying but she had just watched four of her friends been killed and she just couldn’t continue herself as her body shook. How were they expected to win this game when the odds were against them, if this one attack had just killed four of them.