Theo weighed his options, his mind racing. [i]Punch the thing?[/i] He asked himself. [i]Literally everything I know revolves around using a sword.[/i] And his blade was currently stuck in the face of a reeling monster. A red glow streaked past, and the Sundancer's first thoughts were fireworks as a loud bang and a flower of fire erupted on the mosquito. Theo's head spun to see Dead Dan behind him, skillfully wielding his staff. Theo had completely forgotten the presence of his allies, endlessly pouring out of the small stone shrine. There was another one nearby, he saw, and then he saw a glint of steel that caused him to recoil in alarm. [i]Is she pointing guns at me!?[/i] Something hissed through the air nearby, impossible to see in the night, striking the ground near him like gunshots. The mosquito spun, wings ablaze by the Lich's fire, frantically searching for the source of the noise. Invigorated by the help, Theo charged at the beast. It was distracted, and he put two tight fists on the hilt of his sword and pulled, dislodging it. The monster buzzed loudly, flailing its long clawed legs, but Theo stepped around them, ducking under the spear-stinger. He drew up and cried out, smashing his sword into the eye-like sacks on the mosquito's face. It buzzed louder, black ichor sputtering from the wound, before finally falling to silence. "These things are [i]way[/i] harder to kill than mosquitoes ought to be," Theo said to nobody in particular. Everyone else was busy, thick in the swarm of monsters. [i]I really don't want to find whatever these things normally feed on.[/i] The Sundancer quickly scouted another beast. [i]I have to use what little speed I have, even in the darkness.[/i] His next foe approached after be banged on his breastplate to draw its attention. It charged. Remembering his last encounter, Theo carefully sidestepped the stinger and slashed hard into the sky. The mosquito passed overhead, driving itself directly into the blade. Its flesh parted and it buzzed angrily, facing Theo in a movement that was half-turn, half-spasm. It struck out with its legs and Theo pushed himself between them, his own legs a flurry of motion in the tall prairie grass. "Die, you bastard!" He cried out, turning his body, his blade following in a wide horizontal arc. He struck the eyes again, and the beast died. Theo breathed heavily. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," he said. To his relief, the ranks of the creatures were dwindling thanks to the combined efforts of the large group of super-powered humans. Swordsmen, mages, gunslingers, fighters of any kind, all faced off against their strange enemies. There was even a dragon in the mix, Theo saw, though it seemed to be on their side. [i]Dragon tamer? Badass.[/i] The Sundancer looked at the sky. [i]I wonder how long the night will last. I feel less than helpful right now.[/i]