[b]Clementine - The Yellow Flag[/b] Clementine looked at the blood as Juri asked if she was okay. "It's not mine. I'm haven't been bit." She said it as though it were the only answer that mattered, and to her it probably was. She sipped some more of her coke and listened to what Juri had to say next. It's not safe didn't really mean much to her. Clementine hadn't been safe since the outbreak, and she hadn't felt safe since Lee died. For Juri to ask about Clem's parents was a sort of surprise, though. No one ever asked about family anymore. "The walkers got them. I saw them in Savannah. I guess they're probably still there." Before either of them could say anymore, the Viewer appeared, interrupting every conversation in the bar. He wasn't there long, and when he left the Russians started to leave, too. After the Russians were gone, Juri stood up and made her way to the door, kicking a drunk that tried to harass her as she went. Clementine supposed that might be what she meant when she said she was dangerous. Juri asked if Clem was coming, and Clem hurried to follow her out, leaving half the bottle of coke on the counter. Out in the street, Clem continued to follow Juri. Something seemed off, and it took her a moment to realize what. The statue was gone. [@GameGuruGG]