Mathias I was glad for the enthusiasm and hoped he wouldn't be too offended by what I said next. [quote]Actually I have a complete file on you and anyone else that was in one of the stasis pods, thanks to Vault-tec and their never ending experiments. [/quote] I say facetiously, then offer him a seat before sitting down behind my desk. [quote]I've already skimmed yours and seen your military experience. I'll be frank, Vault-tec killed all of my senior staff as an experiment and I'm supposed to that experiment as outlined in this.[/quote] I say as I pointed to a large file folder on my desk. [quote]God the more I find out about Vault-tec the more I regret saying yes to this job.[/quote] I said as he thumbed through the folder until he saw the note I had left him. [hider=note] DO NOT LET THE ROBOT SEE THIS! If I do not start to follow the protocols in this file the robots are programed to kill everyone! I need your help, there watching me too close for me to do anything else right now. [/hider]