As the shadows enveloped him like a great comet, growing like a black flame, Gaius saw a ring of runes spin above the mosquito. Shortly after, a bright bolt cracked down onto the insect, visibly weakening it as petals danced around it. Gaius let out a surprised [color=8882be]"Eh?!"[/color], seeing his foe suddenly weakened so much, but didn't stop moving. As if under heavy gravity, the giant mosquito couldn't raise the long proboscis to defend itself when Gaius leaped at it, his shield ready to smash into it. [color=8882be]"Let's see what this can do... Shield Bash!"[/color] Swinging his arm forward, the shadows surrounding Gaius transferred and condensed into the shield, no longer simply trailing behind, but bubbling around it like hot tar. There was a slight delay from when he hit the body of the bug to the moment that its back blew out, its guts and blood forced out by spreading shadows. The gruesome scene left Gaius in both awe and horror. [color=8882be]That's a bit... harsh.[/color] he thought to himself, his senses somewhat dull from what just happened. [i][color=8882be]This really isn't a game, is it?[/color][/i] Even though he recognized how dangerous their situation really was, he didn't want to think about it too much and quickly cleared his mind of those grim thoughts by looking to see if the others needed help. Though they really didn't, Gaius noticed that Theo didn't seem do be using anything other than his sword. [color=8882be]"A Sundancer, huh... so he can't do much at night?"[/color] Gaius said, comparing Theo's abilities to his. Since their strengths could help balance out each other's weaknesses, he thought that, maybe, it'd be a good idea for them to team up when the fighting settled down.