[center] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1462/6b12a3a53f964bff7a27dcde0e9d9bcb2001c9c7.jpg?1584804[/img] [i]"War. How ideal."[/i] [h3]Personal Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Gyras Camillus Praetextatus [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Birthday: [/b] 20/4/47 [b]Age: [/b] 15 [b]Height & Weight: [/b] 5'8, 11.5stn [b]Appearance: [/b] A slim and lean youth, he (somewhat bravely) keeps his hair naturally blonde despite the more unfortunate associations with the colour. While feminine-in-appearance in a way which may also be considered unbecoming for his position in society, there's an undeniable intelligence conveyed in his eyes and expressions. "Calculating" is one word for it, but the connotations of that are also unbecoming. [b]Equipment:[/b] Centurion equipment, maps [b]Assets:[/b] Minimal, loaned housing by Pompey in exchange for servitude. [h3]Psychoanalysis[/h3] [b]Merits: [/b] Unshakable - Gyras' personality trends towards the stubborn, bringing with it both the good and bad of it. He sets his mind to something, and finds ways to make whatever has in mind happen. Unexpected developments do little to disturb him, or throw his thinking into disarray. Confident - Very much so, as expected. Gyras has little doubt in himself, and this comes across in meetings with him. Were he older, his presence would probably be overwhelming, but his youth is a consistent factor in being underestimated. Problem Solver - He solves 'em. [b]Flaws:[/b] Bullheaded - Part of the "trending towards stubborn" thing. While he is unshakable, this also applies to his allies. When he has something in mind, it's difficult to take him off of that course of action. He tends to like listening to himself and himself alone, and prefers to take advice when it's on his terms, instead of imposed on him. [b]Tragic Flaw: [/b] Hubris - Oh, and how much pride does this boy have, it will undoubtedly be his downfall. With his mind set on "greatness", and opposing Octavian like a good "antagonist" to Octavian's "Protagonist", he is certain to act in ways which contribute towards that. Were he given the opportunity to direct his men and himself to die for the chance to see their names written in legend along side the would-be emperor, he would likely take it, for his desire for "arete" is great. [b]Personality: [/b] Gyras is as any youth is, emotional and headstrong. However, there is a strangeness to the emotional side of Gyras in that despite any anger or eagerness, he never seems to get ahead of himself because of it. There is a trained caution in the boy, an instinct that seems to stop him from being too eager to act purely on emotion. In short, while he may sometimes act like the youth he is, what tends to be going on behind that is the mind of an adult. [h3]Recorded Information[/h3] [b]Culture and Country: [/b] Greek, Athenian [b]Languages:[/b] Latin, Greek [b]Public Record:[/b] Son of a legatus who, notably, is a staunch supporter of Octavian. Ran away from home, and not in that way most children usually do. When he ran away form home, he took a good two-hundred soldiers from his father's legion with him and over to Sicily to serve Pompey. Defeated all pursuers with the 200. [b]Private Information:[/b] Centurio Primus Prior of Sicily's 11th Cohort. This information has yet to be revealed to most players in the Final War for the Roman Republic, but can easily be gathered from others under Pompey, and is known to members of the 11th. [h3]Faction Information[/h3] [b]Loyalty:[/b] Loyal to Pompey. His loyalty is rooted purely in the idea that he'll get to face Octavian's legions, and Pompey is the faction which is likely to reward him the most for his ambition. [b]Political Rank: [/b] Aedile [b]Military Rank:[/b] Centurio Primus Prior [h3]Skills and Metastatus[/h3] [b]Skills:[/b] Inspiration 3 Judgement 2 Initiative 1 Organization 1 Signalling 1 Movement 1 ???: (This will be assigned to you.) Fate: (The number of Fate points you have. This will be assigned to you.) Miracle: (???) [/center]