Being what the situation was, it would be natural to an informed observer that Shannon’s phone was indeed out of range. Of course, this was not unusual in itself; not every place was within range of a cell tower or telecommunications transmitter. She raised an eyebrow as the older girl mentioned 911; she must be an American. Shannon was more perturbed though, that ‘she was [i]really[/i] far away from home.’ That was incredibly vague, to say the least. But before she peppered them with questions, she introduced herself. “I’m Shannon Forsyth. Nice to meet you.” Normally she’d make mention of her family or some relation for social points, but she’d realized quickly enough that connections wouldn’t matter in the middle of nowhere. Shaking her head, she replied no; all she had that was anything significant was a hunk of metal and plastic, and a clipboard with some paper on it, which she sheepishly offered in lieu of a handkerchief. With the silly formalities aside, she resumed her quest of discovery. [b]“So… far away as in, ‘I sleepwalked all the way Waterloo far’, or ‘somebody clocked me on the head and flew me to Williamsburg far’?”[/b] She paused for a moment, considering the absurd. [b]“’Or I’ve fallen into a closet and appeared in Narnia far?’”[/b] Conveniently enough, the appearance of a new figure did much to answer this question. She nearly jumped when the tall, slenderman-like entity appeared behind her and tapped at the phone. Rooted to the ground, she watched as the thing jumped away towards the two others after fruitlessly pressing a few icons. Despite the near jump-scare entry, it didn’t seem to be immediately malicious; rather, it seemed to try to help Valair. Shannon watched incredulously as it created a glass of water out of thin air and handed it to the injured man. [b]“Who… are you?”[/b]