Gravius had never been happier to be off a space ship. Although Gravius was surprised with the Lord captains interest in the tarot he was still an insufferable pompous ass. Gravius hoped he would not have to be contained on such a small space with him for any longer than the half hour he had just spent in that damn drop ship. As he exited the craft via the main ramp behind Horatio and his honour guard, Gravius was completely overwhelmed by the horrendous condition of what this station considered a port. Rats and roaches scurried behind and under every box, the ground was stained with more unknown substances than Gravius cared to guess and virtually everything smelled like shit. As Gravius tried to adjust to the frankly insulting condition, Horatio posed the question of where they should go. Gravius sighed, of course Drake wouldn't let him remain by the ship, he couldn't bear to let his Navigator have any the slightest hint of comfort. Gravius turned and walked to join the Lord captains entourage as he spoke, "Well, I believe anyone who is marginally more intelligent than a grox is currently indoors, probably boarded up. However, as I assume the men you search for are either intensely brave or just marginally less intelligent than a grox I suggest we press forward into this... station. Though, now that I am here I must say the whole thing feels like I'm inside of a grenade with its pen pulled... it's about to explode... we should be cautious." His piece said, Gravius would attempt to join the group near the middle, so that he was amply protected. As they surely set off, Gravius decided to search the station with his mind for anything of note. As he did, the tension only grew thicker, slowly clouding his thoughts. But, as he was about to give up, he found something (or more accurately someone).worth finding. Though whoever it was hid it well, Gravius was far to Adept to miss the presence of another psyker, no Navigator obviously... but interesting nonetheless. Gravius decided NOT to share this with his captain, for now at least, and was content to know he had found something of note... whether or not the other knew he had been found was another story.