[hider=Bristle] [b]Name:[/b] Bristle [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/244/6/c/Bard.jpg[/img] [b]Talent:[/b] Illusion Magic [b]Backstory: [/b]Bristle grew up without his mother. His father was the ringleader of a circus. Unfortunately the circus wasn't very successful or talented, it carted to common folk and even that rather few of them. Due to the poor state of things Bristle learned more about lying and cheating people out of their money than any sort of life skills. In particular he learned about games of 'chance', and how to make them well not chance. However due to these tendencies the caravan tended to leave quickly and often in the middle of the night. Eventually Bristle tired of this endless pattern of lying, cheating, and running. So one day as he was playing games in a tavern he overheard the rumors of a master of magic that lived in the nearby forest in some sort of abandoned castle. Deciding that learning magic sounded more appealing than this lifestyle of stealing and lying Bristle simply grabbed some gold, a sleeping mat, some food and left. [b]Magic Color and Meaning:[/b] Green/Blue. Bristle's magic will be somewhat simple to control and works best when he is calm. [b]Primary Source of Magic: [/b]TBR [b]Other:[/b] Possessions: A deck of cards, a bag of dice, a satchel of food, a bit of gold, a sleeping mat, a lute and a pocket knife. [/hider]