So I'm interested in playing for sure here, but I'm slightly confused about a few things and mostly I feel I need to ask about them before I can decide what character I want to play as (or characters, I would probably give a list of who I would like to play as in order of desire in case someone else wants to play as one of the people I selected instead of me). Firstly, what is the nature of the world of Celestia? Is it a solid, real place where our plots are fully ground in a firm setting? Or is this meant to be something of a spiritual landscape where the world conforms (beyond the veil of our character's perception) to the needs of our character's journey, even if such contortions rely on elements of the surreal? Or maybe it is different things to different people? I understand that there [i]is[/i] the possibility of crossover even despite the mostly insular nature of the stories as proposed, so I get that Celestia is a real place in the sense that not everyone in it is a mental projection of some sort. Then again, so was Silent Hill. Secondly, how much Amnesiac Dissonance are we meant to be looking at? Are our characters meant to be mostly the way they were at the end of their games/stories, but don't remember specifics about what happened? Do our characters revert to some previous state, but again with just a blank slate of memories? Can they be dramatically different than they were in canon? Might they have some kind of past in their heads that just isn't accurate to what happened in the games? Such as Auron just believing that his Journey with Braska was the final pilgrimage that brought peace to Spira, and that none of his friends died in vain? Or is this strictly a hard and fast, no memories at all amnesia? Regardless this is a very interesting idea, and I'll definitely want to join. I assume positions are still available?