"In case you forgot, Miss Anderson, my middle name is rowdy, loud, and obnoxious... Knowing my dad that actually wouldn't surprise me if that really was his first choice." Robert said with a grin. Sure, he hated his dad, but he could still smile at it. "and as for the food it wouldn't be a Yankees game if we didn't get the beer, hot dog, fries combo. This not date will be a total time for relaxation. Go all out girl." Ray said with a laugh. The drive didn't take much longer, and as he was parking Marian was nearly jumping out of her seat. He looked over at Marian who was looking at the stadium. Could this woman get any more adorable? When commenting on this being her first time, his jaw dropped. "What?! Your first time?! Oh I might have to make a citizens arrest on your dad for never taking you to a ball game! A true anti-patriot crime." Robert shook his head in fake disappointment. When approaching Marian he wasn't expecting her to take his hand... so it was only normal for his brain to explode and his heart to soar as she rushed towards the ticket booth. She grabbed his hand and he felt like he was a puddle... God help him. He threw out the occasional sorry as car horns blared at them for rushing in front of them. Before he knew it his hand felt a bit cold and they were in line for admittance. Marian was hopping up and down out of excitement, and Robert's heart was melting. What he wouldn't give to kiss that woman right there and then. With a mental sigh of that thought never happening, he gave a smile to the woman in the booth and handed her the tickets. They were in. "Alright, first things first: We need to get you a foam finger stat! Then some cold beers!"