[i] "We give them Typho here, use him to buy our way off this Emperor-forsaken station. I need your connections, and I am an ace at deal making, very persuasive. We can get each other out of this scrap- and off this scrap-heap....or would you rather spend your life scrabbling to stay afloat in the middle of nowhere?" [/i] Nisvillia paused, considering Aryon's words. "There's certainly merit to that suggestion, my love." She gave a subtle nod to the mercenaries who stood about the room, an unspoken command for them to keep their eyes on Typho. "Assuming Almano really does want to be reunited with his brother." The muffled hum of machinery drifted in through the boardroom's windows, a soft murmur of mechanical whirring against the backdrop of the vast city-scape. Nisvillia had called the outpost home for far too long, and a change of scenery was certainly appealing. "I [b]could[/b] have my people try and arrange a meeting, but there's no guarantee that the fist wont just shoot them in the face."