[b][color=00aeef]“Good...”[/color][/b] Was all Nai said at Alex's reply. For if that drug addict did in fact do something to her friend, Naisha felt in a very destructive mood right now. It all began with what that bastard Thane did to her. She felt her very soul violated by that monster, now her body was a twisted monstrosity because of it. Not to mention she found it progressively harder to control her more negative emotions as of late. And to couple with all that, she felt a complete hatred towards the guards of Kilika and that mayor. The way power was abused her, was too similar to how the old religion of Yevon used to just abuse it's power over everyone... Nai's expression worsened as she remember Yevon being the cause of her death... wait she wasn't dead and Yevon had nothing to do with her death... upon that realization, she made a confused and wondering face. Why did that memory even surface... there was a blank space in her memories from when she fell sick when she was a child. She felt she was forgetting something important from then, but had no idea what... yet. [b][color=00aeef]“Tche... still cannot believe we are the ones getting punished for this... not only it was I who got hit by a rock in the head and Alex didn't even punch the guy good...”[/color][/b] Nai said with disgust when their handcuffs were taken off.[color=00aeef][b]” If I wanted this thing taken off, losing an arm wasn't going to stop me...”[/b][/color] The mage stated.[b][color=00aeef]” Anyways I shall be dealing with this injustice at later date... For now we have another thing to deal with. First we shall locate Thane... He has a few things coming for him when I get a hold of him.”[/color][/b] She said and closed her eyes for a moment. The handcuffs had blocked her mana from circulating in her body, which ironically allowed her to heal it faster. For empty vessels are easier to restore when they are empty. Nai felt the familiar feeling of almost her entire power again. She wasn't healed to 100%, but she was close enough. She was going to be able to throw a few Flares if the need arose for it. [b][color=00aeef]“Anyways... is there a communication sphere nearby that I can use? I need to make a call before we go to the boat.”[/color][/b] Nai said as she looked around.