[@Peik][@agentmanatee][@Hank][@Dead Cruiser][@Pripovednik] Truth be told, Drake was not really listening to the Navigator, nor did he need the mutant to tell him that something was not [i]quite[/i] right with the outpost and its inhabitants; even though he was, without a doubt, the spoilt child of a rich family of aristocrats, he nevertheless appeared to possess a predators intuition when it came to dangerous situations. This was also likely to have been honed by his time spent among the Terran upper-classes, avoiding multiple assassination attempts from his family and close friends throughout his life. Taking a moment to make sure that his honour guard kept close, but not so close as to surround him, he ignored the three-eyed Navigators clear cowardice - not that he expected much from one who's duty it was to guide ships through the warp - and advanced forward. One pace..two paces...three paces toward the nearest corridor-like street and... "By the Emperor's shrivelled scrotum, what the Eye is this?!" He had very nearly placed one well-booted foot straight down into a manhole, one that had quite suddenly opened below his feet, and would have probably had his body follow shortly after, the mohawk of hair emerging from the subterranean depths to be followed swiftly enough by the scarred features of a bronze-skinned man in leather clothing. "You...you bloody barstard!" Growled the nobleman, his chainaxe already in his hand and poised to deliver a decapitating blow as soon as he pressed the activation stud of the weapon, "who the Horus do you think you are?" It was a serious question, and he expected a serious answer, otherwise 'the Dagger' would be meeting an end that he had very nearly escaped from. Now standing quite visibly in the centre of the port, it would be quite easy for the situation to draw attention to them all, for anyone watching at least. Meanwhile the pressure on the station was about to reach boiling point, bloodshed heralded by multiple explosions - random and not particularly powerful perhaps, but easily able to be seen from an elevated point - black smoke billowing into the air, followed near instantly by the crack and ricochet of assorted gunfire. It was not long before the confederation of gangs under the banner of the [i]Bloodied Fist[/i], as well as those both neutral and adamantly opposed, spilled out onto the streets of the Outpost and proceeded to escalate the entire thing into a vicious urban conflict. People fought everywhere, from the highest spire to the basements of stores and dives and brothels, men hacking at others simply due to their allegiance, and those women and children caught up in this suffering an equal fate to their menfolk. With an armament that included RPG's, grenades, various forms of gas, and heavy weapons, it was only a matter of time before the entirety of Outpost Fifty-Seven went up in a conflagration of death and an orgy of bloodshed. [Hider=Make ye posts!]OOC: Well, now is the time to make your final posts before Outpost 57 tears itself apart. What you do can include violence, conflict, whatever you'd like really, but I would advise heading toward the port and some hope of escape...or remain and find yourself fighting hordes of merciless enemies instead! :)[/hider] [hr] [@Kingfisher][@Flagg] Typho looked from one face to another, the disgusting blob of Blisspontis and the greasy expression of man he may have even considered to be an acquaintance, and decided that he truly had had enough. Uncaring of his own fate, and refusing to be used as a pawn in anyones game - as well as knowing full well what his brother would do to him, should he fall into his almost daemonic clutches, he launched himself out of his seat and, with a speed certainly belied by his venerable visage, threw himself toward the doorway of the office. Unsuspecting, the mercenary guards moved somewhat slower than they should have, and Typho had very nearly reached the doorway... [B][OOC: You've got a number of options, so it's up to you both whether you want to shoot him, re-capture him, or anything else. I would advise, however, that you don't hold him in that room for much longer.][/B] [hr] [@Durandal][@Lone Wanderer] [b]You're good, so feel free to advance yourselves in whatever direction you choose. I would say that you may want to leave the market before it gets overrun though.[/b]