Terra a world similar to Earth in many ways, it has the countries Earth does and the technology that Earth does, but there is one major difference that this world has, this world has magic. And with magic in this world there are many magical based creatures, like elves,dwarfs,orcs,and many others. Many of the races have adapted to human life, most of them being the more human of the races. But in this world having any affinity to magic makes you an outcast, so at the age of 8 anyone and anything that has an affinity to magic that lives in human society is sent to a government controlled area where they are sent through the school system up to and through their first four years of collage. After collage those who have magic can rejoin society, but they must go through a rigorous and lengthy process of getting registered as "safe". But there are those who hold a dark secret, they are a small group of fighters who, under contract of the government, keep the feral and corrupt creatures of the world from killing everyone and everything. For this role-play, you will be a transfer student coming in during the beginning of the school year either as a junior or senior in high school or a freshman in collage. The rules are simple keep the swearing to a minimum and if you are to engage another character in a sexual manner keep the actual act of intercourse in PM, and no god powers, your a kid who just found out you have magic so logically you don't know how to control your magic. If you have a question PM me, any comments or helpful hints let me know. [hider=Character Sheet Format] Name: Age: Race: Description: Grade(High School Junior,High School Senior, or College Freshman): Magic School(the type of magic you have an affinity for): Personality: Bio: [/hider]