[quote=@OfficerHeadbutt] [@Mivuli] Err... Coates is a boarding school designed for bad kids. It'd be very hard to get outside of Coates to truant. [/quote] Oh, yeah, this was something I wanted to ask about! Ming Hua isn't necessarily a 'bad kid' - just a little wild in a more literal sense. So I initially thought he might attend the public school. And I know the factions were traditionally split up according to which school the children had come from, but what if Ming Hua doesn't entirely believe in order without adults, or some of the more organised Townie principles, but identifies more with chaos and at times intimidation to get what he wants? A bit like the Coates, just that so far he hasn't acted on such impulses and gotten caught. Ming Hua's personality was a bit more on-the-fence, and he doesn't really lean one way more than the other, but is a little more malevolent than good.