Marcus began to depart from the place he was brought to, without any further words. He wanted to get along with what he had been made to do. If anything, the reason he had been brought to this place might've been from his summoning of anything. He was a true Atheist, no doubt, but that didn't stop him from begging for something to rescue him from the dismal life that crumbled back on Earth. Marcus wouldn't want to talk about it at all, nor would he ever wish to let anyone find out about what had happened to him before the Orb had discovered him, but he knew that it was just a matter of time before [i][b]'Show and Tell your Life'[/b][/i] comes around and [b]Fucks[/b] him from behind. Lovely thought, isn't it? [color=6ecff6]"I know how you feel, Master Krean, though you must not focus on that. It is of your duty to set aside all previous lifestyles and prepare for what is ahead!"[/color] The voice was somewhat calming for once. It wasn't the pedantic, sarcastic or humorous tone that Marcus had found himself getting used and somewhat comfortable with anymore. It was as if it had a personality, rather than just one that relied on annoying him. It could feel what he felt in different ways, as if a soul of his own. A split personality of his own...It understood him like no other. Those who did, were not around that much longer than he wanted to. "You think you could stop invading my mind for one minute?" He sighed, exiting the building. He knew that in life and what laid ahead was going to be tricky, and he was right as an Orb. He did have to set everything aside. The pitiful old Marcus was to be reborn now. He stepped outside, finding himself near a Hill or two. He didn't want to be involved in anyone else's shenanigans, so doing what he could do alone would be something that pleased him. He knew that the Orb would go against what he wanted to do, but it was his Rules...his methods for 'Saving the World'. As the two began to keep travelling, the thoughts popped into his mind, and the silence was kept. Marcus wanted to reach a high place, where he belonged. It was exactly where he was found, high up on the ledge...He sighed deeply as he trudged along the strange dirt substance. What was he to do from now on? What was he supposed to do that could make a difference. He was a very-very self-conscious person with very little self-esteem. Being called up to this was rather strange to him, and anxiety was slightly kicking in. Someone to calm him would be nice, and now he was imagining what life'd be like if he stayed and worked into some sort of [b][i]'Group'[/i][/b]...but if there was someone wanting to [i][b]Party[/b][/i] with him, then they'd have to come find him... [color=6ecff6]"Rather pretty sight, I must say..."[/color] The Orb spoke as they moved closer to the peak of the hill. "I second that opinion..." [color=6ecff6]"Y'know...I do have one task for you...To get used to your new Form, you should consider Picking off targets from a distance from here..."[/color] Marcus thought about what he was saying. "You mean...Grinding?" [color=6ecff6]"N-Not necessarily, just...Go shoot something already! You need to discover things..."[/color] "Things?" [color=6ecff6]"Look..."[/color] The Orb made a sighing sound, as if it were a person. [color=6ecff6]"I know you may still seem [b]confused[/b], but there is some stuff I should inform you of upon your new [i][b]Infiltrator Entity[/b][/i]. You are now what you wished to be. When I came [i]Just in time[/i] you wanted to have the abilities you spoke of. I granted those, as you may have noticed from your appearance and Armory on your personnel...but I cannot tell you everything that is going on. I'm not an Upper-Grade Guardian Orb...I don't know as much as the main threat, I literally am doing what directed before-hand. Now come on...get up and shoot something! If I am correct there is a Brofinn Herd below..."[/color] [i]Brofinn?[/i] These words and descriptions made of little sense. What exactly was Marcus doing here? Still, he was curious to know what this [i]Herd[/i] is. "Brofinn?" He asked curiously, monotone in his whisp-of-a-voice. [color=6ecff6]"You have a creature of hair and horns on plains in the Earthlands?"[/color] Marcus nodded, instantly thinking of Ox, Buffalo or Bison. [color=6ecff6]"Think of one of those, but...slightly smaller and a lot more aggressive...Just go shoot one of those for target practise, y'know..."[/color] This all seemed, to Marcus, a fake reality. He nodded to think of what he could do... Within 15 minutes he found himself with a bag on the floor, taking a knee on the dusty peak of the Hill. In the distance, he spied what was described. Tiny-Buffalo type creatures scurrying around like nobody's business. Well now, it was officially claimed as his own Business. Marcus was quite relieved actually, that he managed to start on the more passive of what was described. What he had heard from other Orbs is that bugs and other terrifying monsters lurked here, wanting to kill him. If he had gotten used to firing a Rifle, using a Close-Quarters Crossbow, then he'd at least have some experience and preparation. If anything, he wasn't even prepared for this. What if he messed up completely and proved to be a waste of the English-Orb's life? It was all crowding his mind so fast. Marcus then squinted, wanting to see if he could make any clearer vision than just a blur in the distance. "C-can...I get a closer look?" [color=6ecff6]"Apart from your Optic, I don't imagine you can at this moment in time. You'd need the Equipment of a Handy Binocular Kit mixed with the Skill of [b]Phantom Vision[/b], a mental view that reveals the position of foes and other entities for a 2500m radius, huge energy waster though...However, you'll need to be a pro...right now you aren't. That'll take time and effort...which is why Teamwork will be of th-"[/color] "If I am to be put in a team, then let them come to me. You should know that I am not great at approach..." He lay down. From his back, Marcus lifted the compacted steel tool from his back. As soon as it was clear, the weapon folded out into the Rifle. It looked slick, threatening from all angles. It was the perfect description of fear from a distance, and it was about to prove itself worthy of being called a Death Tool. Marcus had found a comfortable position, and looked at the distance. "Uhhh...Orby-thing...Distance approximately?" [color=6ecff6]"700 Metres? Seems about right?"[/color] Marcus pointed upwards slightly, aligning it with the pearl-black markings on the interior of the Optic. It had a 8x Magnification, from what it seemed. That is quite bad for Rifles made for what he wants to encounter, but it is a good start. Nothing would be better than upgrading it to higher Magnification and Bullet Velocity...[color=6ecff6]"Stop trailing in your thoughts, Master Krean! Fire!"[/color] He jumped slightly, taking a deep breath and edging his finger onto the Trigger. He held his breath, squeezed the trigger ever-so slightly. This was to prepare for the shot...Marcus then pressed down, unleashing the shot of the weapon. The Tracer revealed the projectile twisting through the air, until it smacked right onto...the floor...He had missed! "FUCKING SHIT!" He said, slamming his head into the soft Moon-Dirt...or whatever he was to call it. [color=6ecff6]"Master Krean! Not everyone makes the first jump...I mean Shot...Yes...Shot..."[/color] It took Marcus another 3 minutes to come to his senses. He had already felt like a failure at not being able to hit a sitting-Buffalo thing...Just...embarrassing. If he had gotten with the others, he'd be redder than a Blood-Moon from the Sahara Desert perspective. Finally, he got back into position. Repeating the steps he went through this time, he took the ever-so little time to adjust where he was looking, only to see the Brofinn were moving now, as they had been startled by both his missed shot and shouting. He tensed up. [i]How am I going to hit something like this?[/i] He knew that the Orb was listening in. He could sense the smart-arse comment coming, though being wrong. Without any thought, he lined up and pressed the trigger again. This time, surprising results came. The Projectile spun through the air, tearing through gas and wind before it placed itself deep into the side of a Brofinn, bringing it down in one heavy thud... [color=6ecff6]"AHA, YOU EARTH FUCK! LOOK WHAT YOU DID...I...I mean...Congratulations...H...Heh heh..."[/color]