[center][h1]Welcome to Miss. Dawson's Home for the Truly Gifted![/h1] You may be here for many reasons; your powers may be too dangerous for you to be out in the world oblivious of those who are like you, you may have a fiery personality that combined with your powers is the possible cause of the world's destruction, you may be a danger to even yourself if you do not yet know how to control whatever powers may be inside you, or you may be following in your parents footsteps if they are either Villans or Heros, and honestly the possibilities are endless! You may have the ability to control a certain element, time, space, sound, manipulate the mind, gravity, animals, bring inanimate objects to life, warp people until they do your bidding, invisibility, etc.! Whatever way you have come to my home, this will be your home from now on! There is no escape from this place, as it has a force field around it that absorbs the power and ultimately shoots it back at you! The only way out is by killing me, and lets just say that the first and last person to try is somewhere far worse than this place.... Anywho, you are welcome to enjoy anything within the force field, whether it be the beautiful lake, the library stocked with every book you could imagine, the infirmary, the tennis court, the bowling alley, the restaurants, the shopping mall, the humongous longue, the apartment complex where you live, and so much more! This home of mine is practically a small town! So just enjoy your time here as this is the only place you'll be forever.... Hope you have a lovely time! I'll be watching you.... [hr] [h2]Main Buildings/Places[/h2] [hider=Lake][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d9/d9/18/d9d9182117f3545dda299a080a589e2d.gif[/img][/hider] [hider=Library][img]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4082/4909553055_178191e00e_o_d.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Infirmary][img]http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/15/35/11/46/specia10.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Tennis Court][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k3hWPrO1ZWo/U2Y3DkaSyvI/AAAAAAAEn5M/gFOQNCSfiBQ/s1600/Baby+Steps+-+05+-3.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Bowling Alleys][img]https://wrongsideofthecamera.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/boston-dorchester-boston-bowl-lanes.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Mall][img]http://tomodachi.us/cms/wp-content/uploads/MoAPhoto.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Lounge][img]http://www.theinternationalman.com/img/group/royal-residence.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Apartment Complex][img]http://luxuryapartmentsfortworth.com/images/residence.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Apartment Bedroom][img]http://cdn.home-designing.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/luxury-house-bedroom.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Apartment Bathroom][img]http://www.americanstandard.com.vn/images/trangtrinoithat/2012/thang9/040912/phongtamdattien/image001.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Apartment Kitchen][img]http://www.kitchen-design-ideas.org/images/kitchen-cabinets-traditional-two-tone-125-b1759680-antique-white-wood-hood-island-luxury.jpg[/img][/hider] [h2]Places now open[/h2] [hider=Bar (For characters 18+)][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5624/144d249c1c766a428428f625749d571e16c2d757_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [h2]Character Sheets (For the people above)[/h2] [hider=Character Sheets] [img][/img] (Appearance goes above, though anime Pictures please) Name: Age: Powers: Weapons: Bio: Dreams/Wishes: Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Siblings (If Any): Pets (If Any): [/hider] [hr] [h2]Rules[/h2] [hider=Rules] Rule #1: Have fun, that is the most important thing. If you are not satisfied with the role play, please let us know by PM before you go. But hopefully things won't come to that! Rule #2: No. God. Modding. I am very strict about that rule since I will not have people controlling other peoples characters so that they do what you wish or you kill them without permission. Ask before you do, or else its 5 strikes and your out. Rule #3: For the love of all the kittens, don't fight in the OOC. That is a place for nice, friendly discussion. I really do not want to put my foot down but I will if I have to. Rule #4: Whatever Love Dove or I say goes. Period. I trust her to do what's right while I'm gone so whatever she does in my absence is fine by me. Rule #5: This role play is rated PG-13 anything that you wouldn't see in a PG-13 movie is not allowed. If need be, take it to your PM's. We got teenagers here who. are probably tainted but that doesn't mean we have to make them any more so. Rule #6: Please, before posting your CS in the CS section, start a PM with us both in it so that we can look over your CS's and accept them. After that you may post them in the CS section. No two characters will have the same powers, so if you pick one somebody else has already picked, we will let you know. Rule #7: You may have up to 2 characters in this RP, though I will bump up this count if a bunch of people drop out or people just aren't too interested. Rule #8: Please, be able to post 1 or 2 good sized posts per character. Again, thank you.[/hider] [hr] [h2]Powers Chosen and Characters Accepted[/h2] Karl Kadaver ~ Tobias "Toby" Kirtman ~ Amorphous Physiology Love Dove ~ Monica Evens ~ Pyrokinesis Love Dove ~ Zaniel Edwards ~ Shadow Manipulation, Creation, and Absorption Adamina ~ Rebecca Cleptes ~ Picnokinesis Legion09 ~ Alexander Weaver ~ Mana magic General Scales ~ Jack Stahl ~ Corruption Inducement Madame Kitten ~ Artemis Reed ~ Ability to talk to, control, and transform into animals Madame Kitten ~ Persephone Reed ~ Plant Manipulation and Creation shinigami94 ~ Azai Chasina ~ Monochrome and Minds Insight Mega Birb ~ Jace "Spades" O'Shea ~ Mimicry Mega Birb ~ Aaron Fletcher ~ Electrokinesis Airalin ~ Lyra Mistly ~ Infinite Sorrow and Boundless Insanity Kangutso ~ Silas Hawk ~ Geokinesis [hr] [h2]Job List[/h2] Tobias Kirtman ~ Slaughterer Monica Evens ~ Fire Fighting Zaniel Edwards ~ Gardener's Helper Rebecca Cleptes ~ Stocker for Upper Level of Mall Alexander Weaver ~ Life Guard at Lake Jack Stahl ~ Bowling Alley Manager Azai Chasina ~ Lounge Supervisor Jace "Spades" O'Shea ~ Resident Medical Professional[/center]