Autharyx watched from the couch as Tezy busied himself in the kitchen. He'd never seen someone cook over anything but an open fire before and it was pleasant to not have to make conversation for a bit. The not-human was being remarkably lenient with him, but he still didn't like the feeling of not knowing which customs he should follow. Everything was so much easier when he was the one calling the shots. But then he supposed that the whole purpose of this excursion was to experience something new for a change. "It's okay," he said when Tezy turned to him again. "You are under no obligation to 'entertain' me." He frowned when Tezy said that people had let themselves into his house. It had happened a few times with him as well, but he'd always managed to eviscerate the thieves before they could get to his hoard. He was just about to say something along the lines of 'I hope they died a painful death' when the other started introductions. He quickly rose to return Te- no Viltez'- bow. "I am honoured to have been invited into your house, Viltez," he intoned solemnly. "My name is Aryx." The shortening of his true name was the only concession he was willing to do. He just couldn't be sure that there wasn't someone that remembered the great dragon Autharyx that lives in the lake. If anyone asked, he could just insist he was named after... well, himself. "I have come from up the river, and am unfamiliar with your customs," he went on. This excuse was the whole extend of his back-up plan if he didn't fit quite in. He hoped it would be sufficient.