Bristle yawned as he trudged through the crispy snow, the white powder making a delightful crunching noise beneath his shoes as he sunk in. He wished he had thought to bring gloves, now he couldn't even play his lute because of how cold his hands were. Bristle stuck his hands under his armpits attempting to keep them warm as best he could. Maybe he should've planned this a little better, oh well, it couldn't be that bad out here. At worse he died right? Shrugging nonchalantly he continued wandering through the forest seeking some sort of landmark, road, marker, anything to help give him some sense of direction. He would've thought that a wizard would live somewhere a little more pleasant, though maybe the castle had some sort of super nice heating system, like a hot spring. Bristle grinned just at the thought of lounging around in a hot spring. A clump of snow falling of a tree and landing on the back of his neck quickly brought him back to reality and he picked up his pace a little.